Mr. Socrates
Choi Jin-wonSchauspieler:
Kang Shin-il, Kim Rae-Won, Lee Jong-hyuk, Yoon Tae-young, Heo Jung-minKu Dong-Hyuk (Kim Rae-won) schlägt sich so durchs Leben - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Auf der Straße gilt er als eiskalt und skrupellos. Kein Wunder, denn er schreckt vor nichts zurück und steht schon mit einem Bein im Gefängnis. Doch eines Tages wird er entführt und in eine Schule gebracht, in der er der einzige Schüler ist. Hier soll der notorische Faulpelz seinen Abschluss nachholen, was ihm natürlich gar nicht passt, denn bisher waren ihm Lernen und Disziplin ein Gräuel. Der Lehrmeister duldet aber keine Widerworte - mit Strenge und harten Strafen schafft er es schließlich, dass Ku Dong-Hyuk nicht nur den Schulabschluss schafft, sondern auch noch die Ausbildung zum Polizisten erfolgreich beendet.
Dank des inzwischen erwachten Ehrgeizes und mit Hilfe einiger Kniffe seitens des Lehrmeisters gelingt es Ku Dong-Hyuk, innerhalb kürzester Zeit eine gute Stelle in der Mordkommission zu ergattern.
Wozu der ganze Aufwand jedoch wirklich gedacht ist, erfährt Ku Dong-Hyuk allerdings erst, als es fast schon zu spät ist. Welche Entscheidung wird er treffen?
Ku Dong's life is going nowhere, spending his days beating people in the streets, he seems to be confined to repeat the same mistakes of his father, who happens to be already in jail. Even his younger brother is not far from going into the same tracks. Then a struck of luck, if you could call it that, hits Ku Dong, a crime syndicate kidnaps him in order to train him to pass the police admission exam. It's something they have been doing for a while, sneaking moles in the police force to protect their leader, and making it easier to do dirty jobs here and there. The training of Ku Dong is both painful and hilarious, a very black humour that seems to be something natural for Korean cinema The thing is, Ku Dong really wanted to be in the force, at first just as an excuse to keep beating people, but eventually starts to realize this is his chance to give his life a real purpose.
Ku Dong's life is going nowhere, spending his days beating people in the streets, he seems to be confined to repeat the same mistakes of his father, who happens to be already in jail. Even his younger brother is not far from going into the same tracks. Then a struck of luck, if you could call it that, hits Ku Dong, a crime syndicate kidnaps him in order to train him to pass the police admission exam. It's something they have been doing for a while, sneaking moles in the police force to protect their leader, and making it easier to do dirty jobs here and there. The training of Ku Dong is both painful and hilarious, a very black humour that seems to be something natural for Korean cinema The thing is, Ku Dong really wanted to be in the force, at first just as an excuse to keep beating people, but eventually starts to realize this is his chance to give his life a real purpose.