My Mistress
Stephen LanceSchauspieler:
Emmanuelle Béart, Harrison Gilbertson, Rachael Blake, Socratis Otto, Leah Purcell, John Reynolds, Malcolm Kennard, Robyn Moore, Renaud Jadin, Hugh ParkerSeit sich sein Vater im Keller erhängt hat und er die Mutter beim Sex mit einem Fremdling beobachtete, hängt auch der heftig pubertierende Charlie psychologisch in den Seilen, greift gar nicht einmal heimlich zur Flasche. Da kommt die neue Nachbarin gerade recht, eine heiße Französin, die sich nicht benimmt wie all die anderen Spießer in der Vorstadt. Tatsächlich findet Charlie einen Draht zu ihr und entdeckt zu seiner Faszination, dass es sich um eine professionelle Domina handelt. Eine wunderliche Beziehung entsteht.
Emmanuelle Beart ist hier auch schon nahe der 50, doch das hindert sie nicht, glaubwürdig die verführerische Hure zu verkörpern in dieser geschickt als Arthouse-Romanze getarnten Sexfantasie um die knisternde Beziehung zwischen einem (auf dem Papier) Minderjährigen und einer sogenannten reiferen Dame. Tiefere Einblicke bleiben uns dabei ebenso erspart wie wilde SM-Exzesse, Romantiker kommen mithin auf volle Kosten beim vermeintlich tabulosen Techtelmechtel.
It's a long hot summer for Charlie Boyd. He's sixteen, his hormones are raging and he's just found out his mother is having an affair with his father's best friend. One thing takes his mind off his problems, the mysterious woman down the street who has visitors day and night, and has just advertised for a gardener. But she is forgotten when a tragic family event tumbles Charlie into a world of pain, a pain so intense Charlie thinks no-one can help him. He's wrong. Someone can. Maggie, the beautiful French stranger. She's a professional, and she specialises in pain. Giving it, exploring it, sharing it, all for money. So Charlie falls in love, and despite herself so does she, drawn to this troubled boy who takes all the pain she can give and uses it to heal himself. And as Charlie heals, he turns that healing back onto her, his Mistress.
It's a long hot summer for Charlie Boyd. He's sixteen, his hormones are raging and he's just found out his mother is having an affair with his father's best friend. One thing takes his mind off his problems, the mysterious woman down the street who has visitors day and night, and has just advertised for a gardener. But she is forgotten when a tragic family event tumbles Charlie into a world of pain, a pain so intense Charlie thinks no-one can help him. He's wrong. Someone can. Maggie, the beautiful French stranger. She's a professional, and she specialises in pain. Giving it, exploring it, sharing it, all for money. So Charlie falls in love, and despite herself so does she, drawn to this troubled boy who takes all the pain she can give and uses it to heal himself. And as Charlie heals, he turns that healing back onto her, his Mistress.