My Wife's Murder
Jijy PhilipSchauspieler:
Anil Kapoor, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, Nandana Sen, Rajesh Tandon, Master Zain Ansari, Boman Irani, Manish Khanna, Abhijit Lahiri, Lalit ParasharEin neuer Fall führt Inspektor Tejpal Randhawa zu einer Frauenleiche, die aus einem kleinen Teich gezogen wird. Schnell wird die Tote als Sheela Patwardhan identifiziert, die vor Kurzem von ihrem Mann Ravi als vermisst gemeldet wurde. Ihrem Mann zufolge war Sheela zu Fuß zum Haus ihrer Eltern unterwegs. Daher nimmt Tejpal zunächst das Naheliegende an: Sheela wurde das zufällige Opfer eines brutalen Raubüberfalls mit Todesfolge. Doch dann wird der Inspektor stutzig. Nichts an Sheelas Leichnam scheint diese Theorie zu bestätigen, denn weder wurde Sheelas Geld gestohlen, noch sind Anzeichen für ein sexuelles Motiv zu finden. War etwa Ravi selbst der Täter? Bei seinen Nachforschungen gerät Tejpal an Ravis attraktive Assistentin Reena, die versucht, ihrem Boss aus der misslichen Lage zu helfen.
Police Inspector Tejpal Randhawa is assigned to investigate the case of the dead woman whose body was recovered from a small pond. Tejpal links this matter with a missing persons' report filed by Ravi Patwardhan and his father-in-law, and subsequently has the dead woman identified as Sheela, Ravi's wife. According to Ravi, Sheela had left their home to go to visit her parents. When she did not arrive at their house 24 hours later, he himself had gone to their house, and on not being able to locate her, had accompanied his father-in-law to the nearest police station and filed a missing persons' report. Tejpal would like to conclude that Sheela was waylaid on her way to her parents' by person(s) unknown, beaten, and her body was left in the pond. But this case puzzles him, as there was no apparent motive for unknown person(s) to waylay her, as no money has been taken, and her body has not shown any signs of sexual molestation. Taking these facts into consideration, Tejpal starts to ...
Police Inspector Tejpal Randhawa is assigned to investigate the case of the dead woman whose body was recovered from a small pond. Tejpal links this matter with a missing persons' report filed by Ravi Patwardhan and his father-in-law, and subsequently has the dead woman identified as Sheela, Ravi's wife. According to Ravi, Sheela had left their home to go to visit her parents. When she did not arrive at their house 24 hours later, he himself had gone to their house, and on not being able to locate her, had accompanied his father-in-law to the nearest police station and filed a missing persons' report. Tejpal would like to conclude that Sheela was waylaid on her way to her parents' by person(s) unknown, beaten, and her body was left in the pond. But this case puzzles him, as there was no apparent motive for unknown person(s) to waylay her, as no money has been taken, and her body has not shown any signs of sexual molestation. Taking these facts into consideration, Tejpal starts to ...