Andreas PieperSchauspieler:
Mehmet Ateşçi, Friederike Becht, Frederick Lau, Horst Westphal, Jacob Matschenz, Uwe Preuss, Pinar Erincin, Vedat Erincin, Siir Eloglu, Aleksandar Tesla, Jan HasenfußRoman, ein Arbeitsloser ohne Perspektive, gibt "den Ausländern" die Schuld an seiner Lage, weil sie angeblich von dem Geld profitieren, das ihm weggenommen wird. Der Deutschtürke Cem, der gerade ein freiwilliges soziales Jahr in einem Seniorenheim absolviert, hat sich einer Initiative angeschlossen, die sich mit Sabotageaktionen gegen den Ausverkauf des Neuköllner Kiezes wehrt. Roman und Cem begegnen sich das erste Mal bei einem Fußballspiel. Ihre Beleidigungen eskalieren in eine Prügelei, beide sehen Rot. Später treffen sie auch außerhalb des Platzes aufeinander; beinahe zu spät stellen sie fest, dass sie ihre Kräfte besser gegen einen gemeinsamen Feind bündeln sollten.
Drama über zornige junge Männer in einem erbittert geführten Berliner Kiezkleinkrieg.
Cem is mid 20's and is making its voluntary service in the retirement home. There he falls in love with Astrid, which helps as a dance therapist residents to renewed vigor. And Cem loves Berlin-Neukölln. There he grew up, and he wants his neighborhood defend: against Nazis, speculators and displacement. But how to do that anyway? Who are the real enemy here? And how does the fight? a compensation Cem looking at his other great passion, football. In one game he gets violently with Roman together. Roman threatens him. The next day the windows are smashed in the restaurant from Cems parents. An Accident? Cem swears revenge. But the battle is attracting larger circles. When Astrid gets suddenly targeted by novel, the conflict escalates dramatically. Suddenly a matter of life and death.
Cem is mid 20's and is making its voluntary service in the retirement home. There he falls in love with Astrid, which helps as a dance therapist residents to renewed vigor. And Cem loves Berlin-Neukölln. There he grew up, and he wants his neighborhood defend: against Nazis, speculators and displacement. But how to do that anyway? Who are the real enemy here? And how does the fight? a compensation Cem looking at his other great passion, football. In one game he gets violently with Roman together. Roman threatens him. The next day the windows are smashed in the restaurant from Cems parents. An Accident? Cem swears revenge. But the battle is attracting larger circles. When Astrid gets suddenly targeted by novel, the conflict escalates dramatically. Suddenly a matter of life and death.