Nezulla - The Rat Monster
Ein durch Genmanipulation verunstalteter Mutant, halb Mensch, halb Ratte, flieht aus dem Forschungslabor zur Entwicklung biologischer Waffen um Rache an den Wissenschaftlern zu nehmen, die dafür verantwortlich sind. Als das tödliche Bakterium die ersten infizierten Opfer in der Nähe des Labors fordert, erhält ein SWAT Team die Aufgabe, die tödliche Bedrohung zu stoppen.
A Japanese Company funded by the USA experimenting with anti-bacteriological weapons creates a mutated humanoid rat creature which becomes violent and murders the lab technicians. The lab is condemned and its horrifying experiments kept a secret. However the strange bacteria leak from the lab and spreads to the nearby inhabitants causing a humanoid epidemic! Three people are sent to the lab to uncover the US government conspiracy that unleashed a bloodthirsty monster beyond their wildest imagination.
A Japanese Company funded by the USA experimenting with anti-bacteriological weapons creates a mutated humanoid rat creature which becomes violent and murders the lab technicians. The lab is condemned and its horrifying experiments kept a secret. However the strange bacteria leak from the lab and spreads to the nearby inhabitants causing a humanoid epidemic! Three people are sent to the lab to uncover the US government conspiracy that unleashed a bloodthirsty monster beyond their wildest imagination.