Obsession - Liebe ist ein gefährliches Spiel
Goran DukicSchauspieler:
Mekhi Phifer, Elika Portnoy, Brian Matney, Brad Dourif, Jared Bankens, Jeff Grays, Candi Brooks, Robert Mello, Terence Rosemore, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, Kerry Cahill, Marjorie ParkerAuf der Suche nach Arbeit wandert Sonny von Stadt zu Stadt und versucht, seine dunkle Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen. Eines Nachts stolpert er auf dunkler Straße in einen Raubüberfall und rettet den alten Farmer George aus übler Lage, worauf ihm jener die Chance für einen Neuanfang bietet. Als Mechaniker beginnt Sonny auf Georges Hof zu arbeiten und unterstützt ihn bei der Verwirklichung seines großen Traums, das Farmgelände in eine lukrative Rennstrecke zu verwandeln. Als Sonny sich jedoch rettungslos in Georges junge Ehefrau Larissa verliebt, nehmen die Dinge eine dramatische Wende. Larissa hegt nämlich ganz andere Pläne, und Sonny, der ihrem erotischen Reiz schon bald voll und ganz verfallen ist, lässt sich auf einen teuflischen Pakt ein.
Before meeting George Good (Brad Dourif), Sonny Jordan (Mekhi Pfeiffer) was just a lost drifter with a troubled past floating from town to town, looking for work. As fate would have it, Sonny ends up saving George's life from a murderous back-alley mugger. As thanks, George gives Sonny a home and a job as a mechanic on his farm in the lonely Louisiana Bayou. Sonny quickly settles in and makes himself useful around the place but then Sonny meets Larissa, (Elika Portnoy) George's alluring wife. She has a mysterious past and the two are irresistibly drawn to each other. The two begin a passionate affair leading them to construct a twisted plot to take George's life in cold blood in order to be together. As their despicable plan unravels, they learn how far they are willing to go to cover their misdeed.
Before meeting George Good (Brad Dourif), Sonny Jordan (Mekhi Pfeiffer) was just a lost drifter with a troubled past floating from town to town, looking for work. As fate would have it, Sonny ends up saving George's life from a murderous back-alley mugger. As thanks, George gives Sonny a home and a job as a mechanic on his farm in the lonely Louisiana Bayou. Sonny quickly settles in and makes himself useful around the place but then Sonny meets Larissa, (Elika Portnoy) George's alluring wife. She has a mysterious past and the two are irresistibly drawn to each other. The two begin a passionate affair leading them to construct a twisted plot to take George's life in cold blood in order to be together. As their despicable plan unravels, they learn how far they are willing to go to cover their misdeed.