Old Shatterhand
Hugo FregoneseSchauspieler:
Lex Barker, Pierre Brice, Ralf Wolter, Gustavo Rojo, Daliah Lavi, Rik Battaglia, Guy Madison, Bill Ramsey, Kitty Mattern, Charles Fawcett, Mirko Ellis, Nikola Popovic, Tom Putzgruber, James BurkeWinnetou und Old Shatterhand entdecken, dass Banditen Siedler überfallen und indianische Waffen als Beweis zurücklassen. Die Banditen wollen Verhandlungen zwischen Apachen, Komantschen und Militärs hintertreiben und die Indianer aufeinanderhetzen. Old Shatterhand kommt dank Einsiedlerin Paloma auf die Spur der Banditen und verräterischer Offiziere. Er kann den Angriff der Komantschen auf das Fort nicht verhindern. Das Fort wird zerstört, der Häuptlingssohn getötet. In letzter Minute bringt die Kavallerie die Friedensbotschaft.
Unter Einsatz seines Lebens versucht Winnetous Blutsbruder Old Shatterhand zwischen Weißen und Indianern, die von landhungrigen Verbrechern hintergangen werden, zu vermitteln. Unsterblich, wie Karl May selbst, sind die Gestalten und Abenteuer für alle Junggebliebenen.
A peace treaty between the United States government and the Apaches is about to be signed in Washington. However, a gang of outlaws plan to sabotage the peace process in order to prevent the signing of a treaty. This way, the gang stands to benefit from illegally grabbing Indian lands for themselves. To execute their plan, the outlaws use the Comanche tribe of Chief Big Bear to attack White settlements, stagecoaches and wagon trains and blame the attacks on the Apache. Comanche warriors kill farmers and plant evidence by leaving dead Apache at the scene. These incidents convince the local Army commander, General Taylor, that Apaches are to be blamed. Unconvinced, legendary scout Old Shatterhand meets with his friend, Apache Chief Winnetou, to investigate. Winnetou insists that his tribe wants peace and is not behind the attacks on the Whites. General Taylor meets Winnetou and Old Shatterhand to listen to their account. The general agrees to allow the two guests investigate the ...
A peace treaty between the United States government and the Apaches is about to be signed in Washington. However, a gang of outlaws plan to sabotage the peace process in order to prevent the signing of a treaty. This way, the gang stands to benefit from illegally grabbing Indian lands for themselves. To execute their plan, the outlaws use the Comanche tribe of Chief Big Bear to attack White settlements, stagecoaches and wagon trains and blame the attacks on the Apache. Comanche warriors kill farmers and plant evidence by leaving dead Apache at the scene. These incidents convince the local Army commander, General Taylor, that Apaches are to be blamed. Unconvinced, legendary scout Old Shatterhand meets with his friend, Apache Chief Winnetou, to investigate. Winnetou insists that his tribe wants peace and is not behind the attacks on the Whites. General Taylor meets Winnetou and Old Shatterhand to listen to their account. The general agrees to allow the two guests investigate the ...