Operation Portugal
Frank CimièreSchauspieler:
D'Jal, Léticia Belliccini, Serge Da Silva, Sarah Perles, Pierre Azéma, Farida Ouchani, Carmen Santos, Eric da Costa, José da Silva, Antonia de Rendinger, Bruno Sanches, Frédéric Chau, Vincent Moscato, Arnaud Maillard, Arnaud ToussaintHakim (D’Jal) ist ein freundlicher Nachbarschaftspolizist marokkanischer Abstammung und muss sich im Rahmen einer Untersuchung in die portugiesische Community einschleusen. Aber kann man in drei Tagen Portugiese werden? Vor allem, wenn man weiß, dass Hakim eine wandelnde Katastrophe ist, wenn es ums Verhandlungsgeschick geht. Seine Ungeschicklichkeit und sein Pech machen aus seinem Vorhaben ein Supergau. Der Anzug ist eindeutig zu groß für ihn! Hakim, der allein mit seiner Mutter lebt, steckt schnell in der Klemme zwischen seinen Gefühlen und seinem Auftrag und entdeckt dennoch eine Gemeinschaft und eine Familie.
Hakim, 35, a friendly neighborhood cop, must infiltrate the Portuguese community for the purpose of an investigation. But can one become Portuguese in three days? Especially when we know that Hakim is a walking disaster at undercover operations. His clumsiness and bad luck turn his many infiltrations into cataclysms. The case is clearly too big for him. Quickly trapped between his feelings and his mission, Hakim, who lives alone with his mother, will discover a community, but also a family.
Hakim, 35, a friendly neighborhood cop, must infiltrate the Portuguese community for the purpose of an investigation. But can one become Portuguese in three days? Especially when we know that Hakim is a walking disaster at undercover operations. His clumsiness and bad luck turn his many infiltrations into cataclysms. The case is clearly too big for him. Quickly trapped between his feelings and his mission, Hakim, who lives alone with his mother, will discover a community, but also a family.