Planet der Affen
Franklin J. SchaffnerSchauspieler:
Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, Charlton HestonAstronaut Taylor überlebt den Raum-Zeitsprung durch das All – 2000 Jahre in die Zukunft. Eine Notlandung verschlägt ihn auf einen entfernten Planeten, der von Affen regiert wird. Auf grausame Weise missbrauchen die herrschenden Affen eine primitive Menschenrasse für Experimente und zur Unterhaltung. Schon bald wird Taylor selbst zum Gejagten, seine einzige Hoffnung auf Rettung ist ein hilfsbereiter Schimpansen-Wissenschaftler.
Taylor and two other astronauts come out of deep hibernation to find that their ship has crashed. Escaping with little more than clothes they find that they have landed on a planet where men are pre-lingual and uncivilized while apes have learned speech and technology. Taylor is captured and taken to the city of the apes after damaging his throat so that he is silent and cannot communicate with the apes.
Taylor and two other astronauts come out of deep hibernation to find that their ship has crashed. Escaping with little more than clothes they find that they have landed on a planet where men are pre-lingual and uncivilized while apes have learned speech and technology. Taylor is captured and taken to the city of the apes after damaging his throat so that he is silent and cannot communicate with the apes.