Kevin HigginsSchauspieler:
Raine Brown, Brandon Slagle, Kathryn Merry, Ernest Dancy, Josh Macuga, Gerard Adimando, Steph Van Vlack, Kevin Cannon, Drae Williamson, Artie Brennan, Tom DiNardo, Ronald Thomas, Marci Fine, Brian DixonVier Studenten auf dem Weg nach Miami finden bei einem Stop am Wegesrand eine scheinbar verlorene Damenhandtasche und beschließen, das Fundstück dem rechtmäßigen Besitzer zurück zu erstatten. Sie stoßen in verlassener Berggegend auf ein ebensolches Luxuslandhaus und beziehen dort Quartier, obgleich ihnen der Dorfsheriff zuvor eindringlich die eilige Weiterreise nahe legte, da es in der Gegend nicht mit rechten Dingen zugehe. Tatsächlich nimmt alsbald ein maskiertes Phantom sein blutiges Schnitzwerk auf.
Every town has a local legend. Not all of them are deadly. Headed to Miami to celebrate winter break, a group of four college students from New Jersey take a detour into the bowels of rural West Virginia. There, the unwitting friends uncover a grotesque legend that stains the fabric of Rolling Glen, a sleepy backwoods town: the legend of Ray Williams, a black truck driver from Maine, on his way to Texas to make a delivery, brutally beaten by a band of locals after stopping off in town for a drink, his body left for dead in an empty cornfield and never found. They learn of crooked sheriff Earl Taggart, who helped acquit the locals involved in the attack, and who still lords over the small village with an iron fist. Fifteen years later, whispers of the Williams incident still float through the tired walls and eaves of Rolling Glen. As the four friends quickly find out, some believe Williams still roams the woods on the outskirts of town, surviving on the slaughter of wildlife. Others ...
Every town has a local legend. Not all of them are deadly. Headed to Miami to celebrate winter break, a group of four college students from New Jersey take a detour into the bowels of rural West Virginia. There, the unwitting friends uncover a grotesque legend that stains the fabric of Rolling Glen, a sleepy backwoods town: the legend of Ray Williams, a black truck driver from Maine, on his way to Texas to make a delivery, brutally beaten by a band of locals after stopping off in town for a drink, his body left for dead in an empty cornfield and never found. They learn of crooked sheriff Earl Taggart, who helped acquit the locals involved in the attack, and who still lords over the small village with an iron fist. Fifteen years later, whispers of the Williams incident still float through the tired walls and eaves of Rolling Glen. As the four friends quickly find out, some believe Williams still roams the woods on the outskirts of town, surviving on the slaughter of wildlife. Others ...