Power Rangers - Der Film
Bryan SpicerSchauspieler:
Amy Jo Johnson, Johnny Yong Bosch, Nicholas Bell, Paul Freeman, Karan Ashley, Steve Cardenas, Jason David Frank, David Yost, Paul Schrier, Jason Narvy, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Peta-Maree Rixon, Jean Paul Bell, Kerry Casey, Mark GintherDem Zauberer Ivan Ooze, der das personifizierte Böse darstellt, gelingt es, sich nach 6000 Jahren aus einem Ei zu befreien, in das ihn Zordan, der Chef der Power Rangers, seinerzeit eingesperrt hatte. Zordan ist natürlich daran interessiert, Ooze an seinen fiesen Machenschaften zu hindern und schickt die Rangers los, das Böse im Keim zu ersticken. Um Ooze besiegen zu können, müssen die bunt gekleideten Jungs und Mädels jedoch erst einmal Unterricht bei der Kampfamazone Dulcea nehmen.
Six teenagers Tommy, Kimberly, Adam, Billy, Rocky and Aisha have discovered the power to fight the forces of evil. A giant egg is unearthed in Angel Grove. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa investigate the egg, and release the creature inside - Ivan Ooze, whom Zordon had trapped him inside the egg six thousand years ago. Once released, Ooze left to seek revenge on Zordon. And now Zordon in his crystalline deathbed is dying because he has no power, without the power then Zordon of Eltar will never existed. Now the fate of the universe is in their hands. But this time the Power Rangers head for a distant planet to meet up with a bikini-clad warrior babe named Dulcea who imparts ancient wisdom and power. But now that they have their powers back and becomes Power Rangers once more they will now get back to business and defeat Ivan Ooze at all costs.
Six teenagers Tommy, Kimberly, Adam, Billy, Rocky and Aisha have discovered the power to fight the forces of evil. A giant egg is unearthed in Angel Grove. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa investigate the egg, and release the creature inside - Ivan Ooze, whom Zordon had trapped him inside the egg six thousand years ago. Once released, Ooze left to seek revenge on Zordon. And now Zordon in his crystalline deathbed is dying because he has no power, without the power then Zordon of Eltar will never existed. Now the fate of the universe is in their hands. But this time the Power Rangers head for a distant planet to meet up with a bikini-clad warrior babe named Dulcea who imparts ancient wisdom and power. But now that they have their powers back and becomes Power Rangers once more they will now get back to business and defeat Ivan Ooze at all costs.