Premonition - If You See It ... You Will Die
Norio TsurutaSchauspieler:
Tarô Suwa, Hiroshi Mikami, Noriko Sakai, Maki Horikita, Mayumi Ono, Hana Inoue, Masao Mukai, Reiko Hiroshige, Takahiro Takano, Rui Tsurumizu, Gaku Adachi, Daisuke Ban, Shûichirô Idemitsu, Kazuhiro Yamaji, Yûto MizoguchiProfessor Hideki findet gerade in einer Telefonzelle einen Zeitungsausschnitt, der vom Tod seiner fünfjährigen Tochter kündet, als ein Truck herbei rast, auf seinen Wagen prallt und das Kind auf dem Rücksitz tötet. Drei Jahre später ist Hidekis Ehe zerbrochen und der Akademiker ein Nervenbündel, dem Zeitungen ein Greuel sind. Da taucht seine Frau wieder auf und behauptet, Hinweise auf die Ursache der jenseitigen Nachricht zu haben. Gemeinsam fährt man aufs Land und wird fündig. Doch mit welchen Folgen?
Im zweiten abendfüllenden Kinofilmbeitrag zu Takachige Ichises offizieller "J-Horror Theater"-Serie werden Erinnerungen an die von Ichise produzierten "Ring"-Filme geweckt, doch auch amerikanische Motive wie "Final Destination" oder "Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier" hinterlassen ihre Spuren im Script.
While stopped at a roadside phone booth for transmitting his work through the Internet to the university, Professor Hideki Satomi finds a scrap of newspaper with the picture of his five-year-old daughter Nana in the obituary section. He sees his wife Ayaka Satomi trying to release their daughter from the seat belt, when a truck without steering hits his car killing Nana. Three years later, Hideki is divorced from Ayaka, who is researching paranormal persons who claim to have read an evil newspaper anticipating the future still trying to believe on Hideki, and she finds that there are people cursed to foresee the future, but without power to save the victims. When Hideki changes the future by saving Ayaka, he becomes trapped in hell and has to make a choice regarding his own destiny.
While stopped at a roadside phone booth for transmitting his work through the Internet to the university, Professor Hideki Satomi finds a scrap of newspaper with the picture of his five-year-old daughter Nana in the obituary section. He sees his wife Ayaka Satomi trying to release their daughter from the seat belt, when a truck without steering hits his car killing Nana. Three years later, Hideki is divorced from Ayaka, who is researching paranormal persons who claim to have read an evil newspaper anticipating the future still trying to believe on Hideki, and she finds that there are people cursed to foresee the future, but without power to save the victims. When Hideki changes the future by saving Ayaka, he becomes trapped in hell and has to make a choice regarding his own destiny.