Projekt 12: Der Bunker
Jaime FaleroSchauspieler:
Eric Roberts, James Cosmo, Joaquín Sánchez, Natasha AlamAuf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges betreiben die Russen in einem unterirdischen Bunker im heutigen Tadschikistan ein ultrageheimes Versuchsprojekt. In den 1970er Jahren wird das Experiment dann abrupt beendet und der Bunker versiegelt. Alle beteiligten Forscher bis auf drei, die entkommen können, werden getötet. In der Gegenwart interessiert sich der US-Unternehmer Henderson für das Projekt 12 und schickt ein Söldnerkommando los, die Überlebenden zu finden und das Geheimnis des Bunkers zu lüften.
Fünf Söldner spüren einem geheimen sowjetischen Rüstungsprojekt hinterher und geraten in Teufels Küche. Grundsolider B-Actionthriller mit hübscher Ausstattung und zahlreichen SF- wie Horrorelementen.
At the height of the Cold War, Russia was working on a secret scientific mission, which, if successful, would have changed the course of history. The mission, "Project 12," was ultimately deemed too dangerous to continue and the scientists involved were to be exterminated. Three scientists escaped and Project 12 was sealed in a well-guarded bunker, never to be seen again...until now. The lead scientist for Project 12 has now become the target of a worldwide manhunt, as he is the lone survivor of the Project 12 team and is the only man who knows the secrets that have been buried in the bunker. What secret does he possess, and who is financing the operation to bring Project 12 back to life and what is their hidden agenda
Fünf Söldner spüren einem geheimen sowjetischen Rüstungsprojekt hinterher und geraten in Teufels Küche. Grundsolider B-Actionthriller mit hübscher Ausstattung und zahlreichen SF- wie Horrorelementen.
At the height of the Cold War, Russia was working on a secret scientific mission, which, if successful, would have changed the course of history. The mission, "Project 12," was ultimately deemed too dangerous to continue and the scientists involved were to be exterminated. Three scientists escaped and Project 12 was sealed in a well-guarded bunker, never to be seen again...until now. The lead scientist for Project 12 has now become the target of a worldwide manhunt, as he is the lone survivor of the Project 12 team and is the only man who knows the secrets that have been buried in the bunker. What secret does he possess, and who is financing the operation to bring Project 12 back to life and what is their hidden agenda