Real Love
Michael Giacchino, Jaycob Maya, Will SpencerSchauspieler:
Christian Slater, Marisa Tomei, Rosie Perez, Kyle Secor, Willie Garson, Gary Groomes, James Cada, Claudia Wilkens, Pat Clemons, Lotis Key, Vanessa Hart, Charley Bartlett, Vincent Kartheiser, Wendy Feder, Nancy Marvy, Paul Douglas LawSeit Shakespeares ‘Romeo und Julia’ wissen wir: Die schönsten Romanzen sind immer noch die ohne Happy End. Ein solch romantisches, traurig-schönes Liebesmelodram schuf auch Regisseur Tony Bill 1983 mit ‘Real Love’. I. Der Küchengehilfe Adam ist zunächst viel zu schüchtern, um die Frau seiner Träume, die lebenslustige Kellnerin Caroline anzusprechen. Nachdem er ihr aber in einer gefährlichen Situation tapfer beigestanden hat, entbrennt zwischen den beiden doch noch die wahre Liebe. Was Caroline nicht weiß: Adam leidet an einer unheilbaren Krankheit.
Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thugs attempt to rape her. Adam, the mysterious busboy who works at the same diner, helps fight off the assailants, and she begins a relationship with him -- but not all their fellow Minnesotans are happy for them. Meanwhile, the couple face their own difficulties when Caroline finds about Adam's past, including his unique health condition.
Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thugs attempt to rape her. Adam, the mysterious busboy who works at the same diner, helps fight off the assailants, and she begins a relationship with him -- but not all their fellow Minnesotans are happy for them. Meanwhile, the couple face their own difficulties when Caroline finds about Adam's past, including his unique health condition.