Philippe RobertSchauspieler:
Johanna Andraos, Marjorie Dubesset, Vincent Lecompte, Sophie MichardNachdem die 3 Jura Studenten Thomas, Yann und Vincent ihre Prüfungen überstanden haben, heißt es "Partytime"! Ziel der ausgelassenen Wochenend-Fete ist die tief in einem Wald gelegene Disco "Panorama". Unterwegs treffen sie an einer verdächtig verlassen wirkenden Tankstelle den Anhalter Sébastien, den sie trotz der Nachrichtenmeldung über einen entflohenen Psyochopaten mitnehmen.
Gerade als dieser anfängt, seine unangenehme Seite zu zeigen, geraten sie in eine unnatürlich dichte Nebelwolke, kommen von der Straße ab und stürzen in eine tiefe Schlucht.
A perfect getaway for a group of friends turns into a nightmare in this amazing French micro-budget horror/sci-fi film! Thomas, Yann, Vincent and three female friends hop into their cars and travel to the French mountains for a relaxing weekend trip. On their way, a dangerous psychopath escapes from prison and there’s even talk of a ghostly female apparition haunting the area. After picking up a suspicious hitchhiker, a thick fog envelops their cars and sends them all over a steep cliff! Barely surviving the fall, they soon discover something even more horrifying. An ancient creature lives under the ground… listening and waiting. It’s ready to devour anyone and anything in its path and this group of friends is very much on tonight’s menu!
A perfect getaway for a group of friends turns into a nightmare in this amazing French micro-budget horror/sci-fi film! Thomas, Yann, Vincent and three female friends hop into their cars and travel to the French mountains for a relaxing weekend trip. On their way, a dangerous psychopath escapes from prison and there’s even talk of a ghostly female apparition haunting the area. After picking up a suspicious hitchhiker, a thick fog envelops their cars and sends them all over a steep cliff! Barely surviving the fall, they soon discover something even more horrifying. An ancient creature lives under the ground… listening and waiting. It’s ready to devour anyone and anything in its path and this group of friends is very much on tonight’s menu!