Fatih AkinSchauspieler:
Emilio Sakraya, Kardo Razzazi, Mona Pirzad, Majid Bakhtiari, Julia Goldberg, Karim Günes, Doğa Gürer, Marlon Heidel, Samir Jebrelli, Denis Ölmez, Harald Schwaiger, Jesse Albert, Hussein Eliraqui, Arman Kashani, Aurel Klug, Uwe RohdeGiwar Hajabi alias Xatar kann auf ein bewegtes Leben zurückblicken: Aus dem Sozialbau hat er es bis an die Spitze der Musik-Charts geschafft. Nachdem Giwar Mitte der 1980er-Jahre aus dem Irak in Deutschland ankommt, findet er sich ganz unten wieder. Um an Geld und Ruhm zu kommen, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, aber noch mehr Barrikaden. Vom Kleinkriminellen steigt Giwar zum Großdealer auf, bis schließlich eine Ladung flüssiges Kokain verloren geht. Um nicht in der Schuld des Kartells zu stehen, plant Giwar mir einigen Gefährten einen folgeschweren Goldraub, der ihn schließlich in die Hölle eines irakischen Knasts bringt.
Fatih Akins Biopic und Gangsterdrama über den Rapper Xatar.
Xatar’s way from the ghetto to the top of the charts is as dramatic as it is daring: Fatih Akin’s new film is based on the autobiographical novel »Alles oder Nix« (»All or Nothing«) of the probably most authentic exponent of German gangsta rap. From the hell of an Iraqi jail, Giwar Hajabi (Emilio Sakraya) emigrated to Germany as a young boy with his family in the mid-1980s and has to start right at the bottom. There are opportunities, but far more obstacles. Giwar’s rise from petty criminal to major dealer is swift. Until one shipment goes missing. In order to clear his debts with the cartel, he plans a legendary gold heist. But just as everything goes wrong, another door opens for Giwar thanks to his passion for music …
Xatar’s way from the ghetto to the top of the charts is as dramatic as it is daring: Fatih Akin’s new film is based on the autobiographical novel »Alles oder Nix« (»All or Nothing«) of the probably most authentic exponent of German gangsta rap. From the hell of an Iraqi jail, Giwar Hajabi (Emilio Sakraya) emigrated to Germany as a young boy with his family in the mid-1980s and has to start right at the bottom. There are opportunities, but far more obstacles. Giwar’s rise from petty criminal to major dealer is swift. Until one shipment goes missing. In order to clear his debts with the cartel, he plans a legendary gold heist. But just as everything goes wrong, another door opens for Giwar thanks to his passion for music …