Saturn 3
Stanley Donen, John BarrySchauspieler:
Farrah Fawcett, Kirk Douglas, Harvey Keitel, Roy Dotrice, Ed Bishop, Douglas Lambert, Christopher MunckeDas Forscherpaar Adam und Alex lebt abgeschieden auf einem Mond des Planeten Saturn, wo es Nahrungsmittel für die Erde gedeihen lässt. Eines Tages bekommen sie ungebetenen Besuch von dem eigenartigen Benson und seinem Roboter Hector. Wirklich ungemütlich wird es für Adam und Alex, als sich der außer Kontrolle geratende Hector als Zielobjekt für seine überbordenden Triebe die attraktive Alex ausguckt.
Einziger Science Fiction und einer der letzten Filme von Stanley Donen, der kurz nach Beginn der Dreharbeiten den Regiestuhl von John Barry übernahm. Trotz der Popularität von Charlies TV-Engel Farrah Fawcett konnte sich das Publikum nicht so recht mit der unlogischen, gegen Ende zunehmend konfusen Handlung anfreunden, und auch für Kirk Douglas dürfte einer der Hauptgründe für seine Mitwirkung die Aussicht auf das gemeinsame Duschen mit Fawcett gewesen sein.
In the future, Earth is overcrowded and the population relies on distant bases to be fed. In the Saturn 3 station, Major Adam and the scientist Alex, who is also his lover and has never been on Earth, have been researching hydroponics for three years in the base alone with their dog Sally. Meanwhile, the psychotic Captain Benson fails the mental test required to travel to Saturn 3 and kills his replacement, Captain James, taking his place in the mission of assembling and programming the Demi-God series robot Hector to replace one of the scientists in Saturn 3. On the arrival, the mentally disturbed Captain Benson becomes sexually obsessed for Alex. Then he uses an interface to link his brain to program Hector, but incapable to control his emotions, he transfers his homicidal tendency and insanity to Hector. Now Major Adam and Alex are trapped in the station with a dangerous psychopath robot.
In the future, Earth is overcrowded and the population relies on distant bases to be fed. In the Saturn 3 station, Major Adam and the scientist Alex, who is also his lover and has never been on Earth, have been researching hydroponics for three years in the base alone with their dog Sally. Meanwhile, the psychotic Captain Benson fails the mental test required to travel to Saturn 3 and kills his replacement, Captain James, taking his place in the mission of assembling and programming the Demi-God series robot Hector to replace one of the scientists in Saturn 3. On the arrival, the mentally disturbed Captain Benson becomes sexually obsessed for Alex. Then he uses an interface to link his brain to program Hector, but incapable to control his emotions, he transfers his homicidal tendency and insanity to Hector. Now Major Adam and Alex are trapped in the station with a dangerous psychopath robot.