Schmutziger Lorbeer
Mark RobsonSchauspieler:
Humphrey Bogart, Rod Steiger, Jan Sterling, Mike Lane, Max Baer, Jersey Joe Walcott, Edward Andrews, Harold J. Stone, Carlos Montalbán, Nehemiah Persoff, Felice Orlandi, Herbie Faye, Rusty Lane, Jack Albertson, Paul Frees, William HenryEddie Willis ist ein gerissener Sportjournalist, der jedoch nach dem Einstellen seiner Zeitung arbeitslos ist und in Geldschwierigkeiten gerät. Er trifft auf den zwielichtigen Nick Benko, Kopf eines Box-Syndikats, der ihm viel Geld für die Pressearbeit rund um seinen neuen Schützling, den argentinischen Boxer Toro Moreno, bietet. Eddie erkennt schnell, dass Toro ein „zahmer Riese“ ist, der in keinem Boxkampf eine faire Chance hätte. Nick gibt zu, dass er auf die Niederlage Toros in einem Weltmeisterkampf und damit verbundene hohe Wettgewinne setzt und die Gegner der dafür nötigen Vorkämpfe geschmiert werden sollen. Des Geldes wegen willigt Eddie ein, Toro „hochzuschreiben“.
Jobless sportswriter Eddie Willis is hired by corrupt fight promoter Nick Benko to promote his current protégé, an unknown Argentinian boxer named Toro Moreno. Although Moreno is a hulking giant, his chances for success are hampered by a powder-puff punch and a glass jaw. Exploiting Willis' reputation for integrity and standing in the boxing community, Benko arranges a series of fixed fights that propel the unsophisticated Moreno to #1 contender for the championship. The reigning champ, the sadistic Buddy Brannen, harbors resentment at the publicity Toro has been receiving and vows to viciously punish him in the ring. Eddie must now decide whether or not to tell the naive Toro the truth.
Jobless sportswriter Eddie Willis is hired by corrupt fight promoter Nick Benko to promote his current protégé, an unknown Argentinian boxer named Toro Moreno. Although Moreno is a hulking giant, his chances for success are hampered by a powder-puff punch and a glass jaw. Exploiting Willis' reputation for integrity and standing in the boxing community, Benko arranges a series of fixed fights that propel the unsophisticated Moreno to #1 contender for the championship. The reigning champ, the sadistic Buddy Brannen, harbors resentment at the publicity Toro has been receiving and vows to viciously punish him in the ring. Eddie must now decide whether or not to tell the naive Toro the truth.