Budd BoetticherSchauspieler:
Rock Hudson, Barbara Hale, Anthony Quinn, Richard Carlson, Hugh O'Brian, Russell Johnson, Lee Marvin, Ralph Moody, Fay Roope, James Best, John DaheimBereits 1835 droht den amerikanischen Seminolen-Indianern, dass sie ihr selbst bestimmtes, freies Leben für immer aufgeben müssen. Ihr Häuptling Osceola lehnt es ab, sein Volk ins Reservat zu führen. Der Soldat Caldwell unterstützt die Indianer, auch aufgrund persönlicher Motive. Major Degan hingegen ist nicht bereit, sich auf irgendwelche Kompromisse einzulassen, und versammelt einen Trupp Soldaten, um mit Gewalt gegen die Seminolen vorzugehen. Die Indianer aber setzen sich erbittert zur Wehr.
19th-century army officer Lance Caldwell is assigned to Fort King in the Everglades. Immediately clashing with his commanding officer Major Dade, Caldwell opposes Dade's plans to wipe out the Seminole Indians. The fact that Caldwell was the boyhood chum of Seminole chief Osceola is all the more reason to resist Dade's genocidal policies. After a deadly confrontation which costs dozens of lives on both sides, Osceola rescues Caldwell, whereupon the latter is court-martialed. Later on, Osceola comes to Fort King to talk peace, and is promptly killed by persons unknown. An attempt is made to frame Caldwell for the killing, but the truth eventually prevails.
19th-century army officer Lance Caldwell is assigned to Fort King in the Everglades. Immediately clashing with his commanding officer Major Dade, Caldwell opposes Dade's plans to wipe out the Seminole Indians. The fact that Caldwell was the boyhood chum of Seminole chief Osceola is all the more reason to resist Dade's genocidal policies. After a deadly confrontation which costs dozens of lives on both sides, Osceola rescues Caldwell, whereupon the latter is court-martialed. Later on, Osceola comes to Fort King to talk peace, and is promptly killed by persons unknown. An attempt is made to frame Caldwell for the killing, but the truth eventually prevails.