She's Having a Baby
John HughesSchauspieler:
Kevin Bacon, Elizabeth McGovern, Alec Baldwin, William Windom, Holland Taylor, Cathryn Damon, John Ashton, Dan Aykroyd, Michael Keaton, James Ray, Reba McKinney, Bill Erwin, Paul Gleason, Dennis Dugan, Anthony Mockus Sr., Larry HankinNach dem Highschool-Abschluß heiratet Jake seine Jugendliebe Kristy und begräbt zunächst die Pläne vom Schriftstellerdasein. Er arbeitet als Werbetexter und rutscht langsam aber sicher mit der Frau Gemahlin in den trägen, ereignislosen Alltag. Der Schulfreund Davis ist weggezogen, die Träume vom Seitensprung bleiben doch nur Hirngespinste. Erst als seine Frau ein Kind bekommt, lernt Jake das Vorstadtleben schätzen.
Jake and Kristy Briggs are newlyweds. Being young, they are perhaps a bit unprepared for the full reality of marriage and all that it (and their parents) expect from them. Do they want babies? Their parents certainly want them to. Is married life all that there is? Things certainly aren't helped by Jake's friend Davis, who always seems to turn up just in time to put a spanner in the works.
Jake and Kristy Briggs are newlyweds. Being young, they are perhaps a bit unprepared for the full reality of marriage and all that it (and their parents) expect from them. Do they want babies? Their parents certainly want them to. Is married life all that there is? Things certainly aren't helped by Jake's friend Davis, who always seems to turn up just in time to put a spanner in the works.