Snuff 102
Mariano PeraltaSchauspieler:
Andrea Alfonso, Julián Alfonzo, Rodrigo Bianco, Nicolás BlancoEine junge Reporterin beginnt damit, in den Tiefen einer geheimnisumwitterten Szene zu recherchieren: in den Tiefen der Snuff-Szene. Immer tiefer taucht sie in diese gewalttätigen Bilder ein, und lernt so kenne, wie brutal und grausam Menschen wirklich sein können!
A young Argentinian reporter is writing an article about snuff films - which depict real torture, rape and murder of people. But seeking the films and those behind them might backfire. She herself is in danger of becoming one of the suffering.
A young Argentinian reporter is writing an article about snuff films - which depict real torture, rape and murder of people. But seeking the films and those behind them might backfire. She herself is in danger of becoming one of the suffering.