Jorge OlguínSchauspieler:
Camille Lynch, Karina Pizarro, Carolina Andrade, Cristobal BarraIn einer apokalyptischen Zukunft ist die überwiegende Anzahl der Menschen in eine Horde geifernder Zombies verwandelt worden. Der Planet ist verwüstet, das Wasser verseucht und die Luft verpestet. Einige Menschen scheinen jedoch gegen das Virus immun zu sein. Sie müssen sich gegen die Zombiehorden erwehren, um zu überleben. Auch die neunjährige Camille (Caroline Andrade) streift ziellos auf dem zerstörten Planeten umher und muss sich sowohl vor den Zombies als auch vor den Paramilitärs, die gnadenlos auf jeden schießen, der infiziert sein könnte, in Acht nehmen. Sie trifft sobald auf andere Kinder, die das gleiche Ziel wie sie haben: das Meer.
In an undefined future, the earth has been destroyed by man, and the air polluted with a mysterious virus that turns humans into zombies. Only a few children are immune to the disease and have adapted to these extreme conditions and survived. Camille, a nine year old girl wanders through these desolate wastelands, protecting herself from zombies and the armed military forces that roam the land killing anyone who might be infected. However, the little girl will find other kids like her that share a recurring dream of: they all have visions of the ocean as their destiny. Together they will try to survive the journey to the ocean in search of an escape from the military who seem to be as determined on their destruction as on the zombies. Written by David Pollison/Solos Website
In an undefined future, the earth has been destroyed by man, and the air polluted with a mysterious virus that turns humans into zombies. Only a few children are immune to the disease and have adapted to these extreme conditions and survived. Camille, a nine year old girl wanders through these desolate wastelands, protecting herself from zombies and the armed military forces that roam the land killing anyone who might be infected. However, the little girl will find other kids like her that share a recurring dream of: they all have visions of the ocean as their destiny. Together they will try to survive the journey to the ocean in search of an escape from the military who seem to be as determined on their destruction as on the zombies. Written by David Pollison/Solos Website