Spider Baby
Jack HillSchauspieler:
Lon Chaney Jr., Carol Ohmart, Quinn K. Redeker, Beverly Washburn, Jill Banner, Sid Haig, Mary Mitchel, Karl Schanzer, Mantan MorelandDie jüngste Generation der Merrye-Famlile vertreten von den Schwestern Virginia und Elizabeth sowie dem älteren Bruder Ralph lebt zusammen mit dem Chauffeur der Familie Bruno in einem abgelegenen und heruntergekommenen Haus. Alle drei Geschwister leiden wie ihre Vorfahren an dem sogenannten „Merrye Syndrom“, das nur diese Familie betrifft und ab der späten Kindheit zur kontinuierlichen Zurückentwicklung der geistigen und sozialen Fähigkeiten führt. Eines Tages erhält Bruno einen Brief, in dem sich zwei entfernte Verwandte ankündigen, um mit Hilfe eines Anwalts die Vormundschaft und den Besitz der Familie zu erlangen. Als die unerwünschten Gäste noch am selben Tag eintreffen, versucht Bruno alles, um den Schein von mehr oder weniger gewöhnlichen Jugendlichen zu wahren, sodass nichts von dem ungewöhnlichen Treiben im Haus an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt.
The story follows a family of inbreeds that have been afflicted by a genetic disorder known as 'Merrye syndrome', named after the family in which the disorder developed. This malady causes it's victims to enter a state of age regression that starts at the age of ten and continues throughout the remainder of the person's life, rendering them with the intelligence of a child. The final generation of the family has been entrusted to the care of the family chauffeur (Lon Chaney Jnr), and all is well for these odd people until a greedy branch of the family decides that they want to relieve the family of it's home. Mental illness has always, and will always be, a fascinating subject for horror movies as it probes into the unknown and Spider Baby makes best use of that fact.
The story follows a family of inbreeds that have been afflicted by a genetic disorder known as 'Merrye syndrome', named after the family in which the disorder developed. This malady causes it's victims to enter a state of age regression that starts at the age of ten and continues throughout the remainder of the person's life, rendering them with the intelligence of a child. The final generation of the family has been entrusted to the care of the family chauffeur (Lon Chaney Jnr), and all is well for these odd people until a greedy branch of the family decides that they want to relieve the family of it's home. Mental illness has always, and will always be, a fascinating subject for horror movies as it probes into the unknown and Spider Baby makes best use of that fact.