St. Elmo's Fire - Die Leidenschaft brennt tief
Joel SchumacherSchauspieler:
Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Mare Winningham, Martin Balsam, Andie MacDowell, Joyce Van Patten, Jenny Wright, Blake Clark, Jon Cutler, Matthew Laurance, Gina Hecht, Anna Maria HorsfordSieben Highschool-Abgänger aus einer Clique stehen mit dem Diplom in der Hand erst mal orientierungslos da. Billy träumt von Musikerkarriere, verliert sich im Alkohol; die kokainabhängige Jules schläft mit dem Boss, um in der Bank Karriere zu machen; Sozialarbeiterin Wendy kommt nicht von den Eltern los und ist in Billy verliebt; Jurastudent und Kellner Kirby verliebt sich in die angehende Ärztin Dale; Yuppie Alec arbeitet für einen republikanischen Senator, will Architekturstudentin Leslie heiraten; Kevin, der Träumer, will Schriftsteller werden.
Highschool-Clique zwischen Erwachsenwerden, Rebellion und Anpassung.
Seven friends - Alec, Billy, Jules, Kevin, Kirby, Leslie and Wendy - are trying to navigate through life and their friendships following college graduation. Alec, who aspires to political life, has just shown his true colors by changing his allegiance from Democrat to Republican, which freaks out girlfriend Leslie, who he wants to marry. Budding architect Leslie, on the other hand, has an independent streak. She believes she has to make a name for herself to find out who she is before she can truly commit to another person in marriage. But Leslie and Alec have decided to live together. Because Leslie refuses to marry Alec, he believes that justifies certain behavior. Kirby, who wants to become a lawyer and who pays for his schooling by working as a waiter at their local hangout called St. Elmo's Bar, and struggling writer Kevin are currently roommates. They are on opposite extremes of the romance spectrum.
Seven friends - Alec, Billy, Jules, Kevin, Kirby, Leslie and Wendy - are trying to navigate through life and their friendships following college graduation. Alec, who aspires to political life, has just shown his true colors by changing his allegiance from Democrat to Republican, which freaks out girlfriend Leslie, who he wants to marry. Budding architect Leslie, on the other hand, has an independent streak. She believes she has to make a name for herself to find out who she is before she can truly commit to another person in marriage. But Leslie and Alec have decided to live together. Because Leslie refuses to marry Alec, he believes that justifies certain behavior. Kirby, who wants to become a lawyer and who pays for his schooling by working as a waiter at their local hangout called St. Elmo's Bar, and struggling writer Kevin are currently roommates. They are on opposite extremes of the romance spectrum.