Alain ResnaisSchauspieler:
Jean-Paul Belmondo, François Périer, Michael Lonsdale, Roberto Bisacco, Claude Rich, Charles Boyer, Anny Duperey, Niké Arrighi, François Leterrier, Pierre Vernier, Marcel Cuvelier, Van Doude, Jacques Spiesser, Daniel Lecourtois, Gérard Depardieu, Niels ArestrupSerge Alexandre alias Stavisky, Sohn eines jüdischen Zahnarztes, baut im Frankreich der Zwischenkriegszeit mit Unterstützung von korrupten Politikern ein windiges Finanzimperium auf, das bis zu seinem Tod floriert. Als Stavisky 1934 auf mysteriöse Art ums Leben kommt, gerät das halbe Pariser Establishment ins Wanken. Parallel erzählt der Film vom Exil Leo Trotzkis in Frankreich.
Irresistible charm and talent helps Serge Alexandre alias Stavisky, small-time swindler, to make friends with even most influential members of French industrial and political elite during the early 30s. But nothing lasts forever and when his great scam involving hundreds millions of francs gets exposed result is an unprecedented scandal that almost caused a civil war.
Irresistible charm and talent helps Serge Alexandre alias Stavisky, small-time swindler, to make friends with even most influential members of French industrial and political elite during the early 30s. But nothing lasts forever and when his great scam involving hundreds millions of francs gets exposed result is an unprecedented scandal that almost caused a civil war.