Stephen Kings ES
Tommy Lee WallaceSchauspieler:
Harry Anderson, Dennis Christopher, Richard Masur, Annette O'Toole, John Ritter, Richard Thomas, Tim Curry, Jonathan Brandis, Seth Green, Emily Perkins, Olivia Hussey, Jay Brazeau, Gabe Khouth, Venus Terzo, Frank C. Turner, Sheelah MegillUS-TV-Adaption des Bestsellers von Horrormeister Stephen King. Tim Curry, bekannt aus der "Rocky Horror Picture Show", hat hier eine seiner dankbaren Scheusal- Rollen: Er verkörpert den teuflischen Clown Pennywise, der eine kleine Stadt in Amerika mit einer Mordserie in Atem hält, bis sich eine Gruppe zusammenschließt, um das Grauen mit Namen "Es" zu bekämpfen. Audiokommentare von Regisseur und Darstellern warten als Bonus.
Original:Stephen Kings ESRemake:EsEs - Teil 2
Stephen King's bestselling novel adapted into a terrifying TV mini-series told through the use of flashbacks. In 1960, a group of social outcasts who are bullied by a neighborhood gang of greasers are also tormented by an evil demon who can shape-shift into a clown and feed on children's fears and kill them. After defeating the demonic clown as kids, it resurfaces 30 years later and they must finish it off as adults once again.
Stephen King's bestselling novel adapted into a terrifying TV mini-series told through the use of flashbacks. In 1960, a group of social outcasts who are bullied by a neighborhood gang of greasers are also tormented by an evil demon who can shape-shift into a clown and feed on children's fears and kill them. After defeating the demonic clown as kids, it resurfaces 30 years later and they must finish it off as adults once again.