Submarine 707 Revolution - Der Film
Hideaki Anno, Shôichi MasuoSchauspieler:
Hideo Ishikawa, Daisuke Sakaguchi, Ben Hiura, Hiroshi Yanaka, Akira Ishida, Mai Nakahara, Hideyuki Tanaka, Aya HisakawaEine Terrororganisation namens USR macht die Ozeane unsicher. Um sie zu bekämpfen, schließen elf führende Nationen ihre Seestreitkräfte zusammen und gründen die Peace-Keeping Navy (PKN). Die Eröffnungszeremonie wird jedoch zum Desaster, als Admiral Red, der Anführer der USR, eine hinterhältige Attacke auf die PKN ausführen lässt. Doch das veraltete japanische Unterseeboot Submarine 707 (auch bekannt als Snapping Turtle) taucht aus dem Nichts auf und opfert sich, um das Flaggschiff der PKN zu retten.
A high-tech terrorist plagues the ocean... To counter the subversive activities of the USR, a shadowy terrorist group menacing the seas, the leading nations of the world join forces to form the Peace Keeping Navy (PKN). Its inauguration ceremony, however, quickly turns into disaster as Admiral Red, charismatic leader of the USR, launches a surprise attack on the PKN. With fi erce fi repower, Red lets his intentions be known that he will destroy anything that gets in the way of his twisted vision of an ideal future... Dive into this exciting deep-sea military action-adventure thriller, as Captain Hayami and the crew of the 707 try to outwit Admiral Red's gargantuan nuclear submarine!
A high-tech terrorist plagues the ocean... To counter the subversive activities of the USR, a shadowy terrorist group menacing the seas, the leading nations of the world join forces to form the Peace Keeping Navy (PKN). Its inauguration ceremony, however, quickly turns into disaster as Admiral Red, charismatic leader of the USR, launches a surprise attack on the PKN. With fi erce fi repower, Red lets his intentions be known that he will destroy anything that gets in the way of his twisted vision of an ideal future... Dive into this exciting deep-sea military action-adventure thriller, as Captain Hayami and the crew of the 707 try to outwit Admiral Red's gargantuan nuclear submarine!