Tell Me How I Die
Als eine Gruppe von Studenten an einem klinischen Versuch teilnimmt, werden sie danach von schrecklichen Visionen ihres eigenen Todes heimgesucht. Als die Visionen wahr werden, wird den Versuchskaninchen klar, dass der Mörder unter ihnen ist und wie sie die Fähigkeit besitzt, in die Zukunft zu sehen – allerdings ist er ihnen stets einen Schritt voraus.
Passabler Teenie-Horror, der die Prämisse von “Final Destination” leise variiert.
When a group of college students take part in a clinical drug trial, an unexpected side effect of the experimental medicine gives them terrifying visions of their own deaths...which begin to come true. As they scramble to escape their fate, they discover that the killer is among them and shares their ability to see the future - only he seems to be one step ahead of their efforts to survive.
When a group of college students take part in a clinical drug trial, an unexpected side effect of the experimental medicine gives them terrifying visions of their own deaths...which begin to come true. As they scramble to escape their fate, they discover that the killer is among them and shares their ability to see the future - only he seems to be one step ahead of their efforts to survive.