Pierre-William GlennSchauspieler:
Johnny Hallyday, Karen Allen, Jürgen Prochnow, Dieter Schidor, Gabriel Damon, Julie Glenn, János Kulka, Dominique Valera, Jean-Luc Montama, Ray Montama, Bruno Ciarrochi, David Jalil, André NocquetIm Jahr 2037 beherrschen barbarische Militärs die Erde. Eine Gruppe skrupelloser Wissenschaftler will mit einem als Spiel getarnten Coup an die Macht gelangen und die Herrscher durch geklonte, perfekt funtionierende Kinder ersetzen. Ihr kindlicher Prototyp Mati aber zeigt einen eigenen Willen. Er leitet einen gigantischen Truck, versehen mit einem sprechenden Bordcomputer und gefahren von dem Abenteurer Stump, sicher durch feindliches Sperrgebiet in die Schaltzentrale der Wissenschaftler und kann seinen Schöpfern entkommen.
Aufwendig gemachter SF-Film, der trotz seiner absichtsvoll kompliziert-mysteriösen Handlung durch einfallsreiche Sets, gewitzt integrierte Computeranimation und spannende Actionszenen zu fesseln weiß.
In a sort of "Mad Max" futuristic adventure, an international sport has been established where a driver of a computerized truck must drive across country to an established terminus and not be stopped by other vehicles. The lead truck, called "Monster" has been created by a boy genius and is to be driven by a woman through the course. The only problem is the computer guidance system fails and she ends up in uncharted territories. There she encounters leather-clad hoods who torture her and eventually kill her. Before dying she tells a fellow prisoner about the truck and he uses it to escape.
In a sort of "Mad Max" futuristic adventure, an international sport has been established where a driver of a computerized truck must drive across country to an established terminus and not be stopped by other vehicles. The lead truck, called "Monster" has been created by a boy genius and is to be driven by a woman through the course. The only problem is the computer guidance system fails and she ends up in uncharted territories. There she encounters leather-clad hoods who torture her and eventually kill her. Before dying she tells a fellow prisoner about the truck and he uses it to escape.