The Assassin Next Door
Danny LernerSchauspieler:
Olga Kurylenko, Ninet Tayeb, Zohar Strauss, Liron Levo, Ester Rada, Lior Habra, Henry David, Shalom Michaelshwilli, Roy Assaf, Vladimir Friedman, Yana Goor, Raz Lissitzky, Shalva Ben Moshe, Reymonde AmsallemGalia (Olga Kurylenko) gerät in Israel in die Hände der russischen Mafia. Sie wird erpresst, muss für den Mafia-Boss auf den Strich gehen und wird gezwungen für ihn zu morden. Dabei wünscht sie sich nichts mehr als wieder mit ihrer kleinen Tochter zusammen zu sein, die sie zu Hause zurückgelassen hat.
Dann lernt Galia ihre Nachbarin Elinor (Ninet Tayeb) kennen, die von ihrem Ehemann immer wieder brutal misshandelt wird. Die beiden schließen sich zusammen, denn sie teilen zwei Dinge: eine angrenzende Mauer und den starken Drang sich gegen ihre Peiniger zu wehren. Als Galia ihren nächsten Auftrag, die Frau eines Konkurrenten zu töten, nicht ausführt und Elinor erfährt, dass sie schwanger ist, schlagen sie zurück. Sie fliehen und enden in einem Kampf ums Überleben und für Freiheit ...
In an old apartment building on the wrong side of the tracks, two women, unknown to each other, live across the hall on the second floor. Galia is an assassin involved against her will with the local sex-traffic mafia. All she wants is to reunite with her little daughter that she left back home in Russia. Eleanor is a grocery store cashier and a battered wife. She dreams of winning the lottery and running away from her abusive husband. Galia and Eleanor don't know each other, but as neighbors they share two things: an adjoining wall and a strong need to plan their escape. As Galia disobeys her latest contract, a woman target, and Eleanor discovers that she's pregnant, the two women decide to take action against their oppressors in a fight for survival and freedom.
In an old apartment building on the wrong side of the tracks, two women, unknown to each other, live across the hall on the second floor. Galia is an assassin involved against her will with the local sex-traffic mafia. All she wants is to reunite with her little daughter that she left back home in Russia. Eleanor is a grocery store cashier and a battered wife. She dreams of winning the lottery and running away from her abusive husband. Galia and Eleanor don't know each other, but as neighbors they share two things: an adjoining wall and a strong need to plan their escape. As Galia disobeys her latest contract, a woman target, and Eleanor discovers that she's pregnant, the two women decide to take action against their oppressors in a fight for survival and freedom.