The Black Six
Matt CimberSchauspieler:
Robert Howard, Gene Washington, Cynthia Daly, Carl Eller, Mikel Angel, Lem Barney, John Isenberger, Mercury Morris, Joe Greene, Willie Lanier, Garnett Higgens, Bill King, Marilyn McArthur, Doug Carrol, Jefferson RichardEin schwarzer Highschool-Schüler wird vom Bruder eines weißen Mädchens beim Date mit diesem erwischt. Er und seine weiße Motorradgang prügeln den schwarzen Jungen daraufhin tot. Der Bruder des Opfers, Mitglied einer schwarzen Motorradbande, hört von dem Vorfall und kommt in die Stadt, um Rache zu üben.
A black high school student is caught dating a white girl by the girl's brother. He and his biker gang beat the boy to death. The boy's brother, who is a member of a black biker gang, hears about it and comes to town to avenge his brother's death.
A black high school student is caught dating a white girl by the girl's brother. He and his biker gang beat the boy to death. The boy's brother, who is a member of a black biker gang, hears about it and comes to town to avenge his brother's death.