The House Next Door
Jeff WoolnoughSchauspieler:
Lara Flynn Boyle, Colin Ferguson, Noam Jenkins, Julie Stewart, Charlotte Sullivan, Natalie Lisinska, Aidan Devine, Stephen Amell, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Emma Campbell, Niamh Wilson, Kasia Vassos, Ben Lewis, Heather Hanson, Heidi von Palleske, Peter MacNeillIn unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft von Walker und Col Kennedy verwirklicht ein Architekt sein Traumprojekt von einem Haus. Die Vorstadtidylle wird nicht nur durch die Bauarbeiten gestört, auch das Haus entwickelt nach seiner Fertigstellung ein mysteriöses Eigenleben. Es ergreift Besitz von jedem Bewohner und schafft es durch eine geheimnisvolle Macht, Zwietracht unter den Nachbarn zu säen. Walker und Col wollen dem Spuk Einhalt gebieten und geraten dadurch in höchste Gefahr.
TV-Adaption des Romans von Anne Rivers Siddons über ein verfluchtes Haus, das so ganz anders ist, als man sich Spukhäuser für gewöhnlich vorstellt.
Walker Kennedy and his wife Col are a happy, voluntarily childless suburban couple. Then the thing they fear the most happens: part of their green surrounding is turned into a building site, for what turns out to be the widely acclaimed first house built by attractive, brilliant, obsessively devoted architect Kim (30), who has a short affair with Col. Kim is even enchanted by his own house, just like everyone else. However each subsequent couple that moves into the house soon turns nasty, never staying for long, ending in tears and/or blood. When Kim finally buys it with his wife, Col who believes he somehow curses all his buildings insists it's time to deal with him, permanently.
Walker Kennedy and his wife Col are a happy, voluntarily childless suburban couple. Then the thing they fear the most happens: part of their green surrounding is turned into a building site, for what turns out to be the widely acclaimed first house built by attractive, brilliant, obsessively devoted architect Kim (30), who has a short affair with Col. Kim is even enchanted by his own house, just like everyone else. However each subsequent couple that moves into the house soon turns nasty, never staying for long, ending in tears and/or blood. When Kim finally buys it with his wife, Col who believes he somehow curses all his buildings insists it's time to deal with him, permanently.