The Paradise Virus
Brian Trenchard-SmithSchauspieler:
Lorenzo Lamas, Melody Thomas Scott, Ralf Moeller, David Millbern, Jessica Steen, Kimberly Huie, Gregory Wooddell, Kristen Swieconek, Clint Jung, Arthur Smith, Montel Arthibald, Tanecia HallDie kleine Insel Barsato Island ist ein paradiesisches Fleckchen Erde und ein Ziel für Tausende von Touristen, die Ruhe und Erholung suchen. Aber dann bricht in diese Idylle das Grauen herein: Ein tödlicher Virus greift rapide um sich und fordert immer mehr Opfer. Auf der Jagd nach einem Gegenmittel liegen alle Hoffnungen auf dem Virusexperten Paul Johnson, der nur zufällig vor Ort ist. Doch sein Urlaub fällt deutlich kürzer als geplant aus...
Arrived to the tropical island of Barsarato to spend a short vacation with her eighteen years old son, Dr. Linda Fleming (Melody Thomas Scott), teacher and expert virologist, is providing relief to people affected by a virulent disease caused by an unknown virus transmitted to humans by chickens. Her generous efforts will be wasted by poor local hospitals and the low cooperation of the people who puts blind faith in Joseph (Ralf Moeller), a sort of healer with exceptional charisma and leader of a religious community that preaches faith in God and enhances the remedies of alternative medicine.
Arrived to the tropical island of Barsarato to spend a short vacation with her eighteen years old son, Dr. Linda Fleming (Melody Thomas Scott), teacher and expert virologist, is providing relief to people affected by a virulent disease caused by an unknown virus transmitted to humans by chickens. Her generous efforts will be wasted by poor local hospitals and the low cooperation of the people who puts blind faith in Joseph (Ralf Moeller), a sort of healer with exceptional charisma and leader of a religious community that preaches faith in God and enhances the remedies of alternative medicine.