The Soldier - Unter falscher Flagge
Aleksandr ChernyaevSchauspieler:
Vyacheslav Krikunov, Valeriy Afanasev, Egor Antonov, Vladimir Dubrovskiy, Vladislav Dyomin, Aleksandr Fisenko, Nikita Gribanov, Vladimir Kapustin, Andrey Lavrov, Denis Levashov, Nikolay Machulskiy, Amadu Mamadakov, Ivan Mokhovikov, Fun Chun-Ho Nhà, Aleksandr Pugachyov, Tagir RakhimovAuf dem Höhepunkt des amerikanischen Vietnamkriegs erhält der russische Elitesoldat Pavel den Auftrag, mit einem russischen Stoßtrupp und etwas Hilfe durch einheimische Partisanen amerikanische Stellungen zu überfallen, um allerhand wichtige Dokumente sowie geheime Militärtechnologie zu entwenden. Nach vollbrachtem Auftrag aber setzt sich Pavel von seiner Einheit ab und verfolgt scheinbar eigenmächtig Pläne hinter der Front. Dabei gewinnt er einen flüchtigen US-Piloten als unerwarteten Bündnisgenossen.
Russland schlägt zurück gegen hundert Jahre amerikanische Kino-Militärpropaganda von John Wayne bis Rambo mit diesem scheinbar zumindest partiell im echten Vietnam gedrehten Vietnamkriegsdrama, in dem es amerikanische Soldaten sind, die meterweise Kriegsverbrechen begehen, und einsame Russen, die es mit ganzen Heerschare äußerer und innerer Feinde aufnehmen. Interessanter Direktvergleich im Actiongenre, den mancher Actionfreund sicher gern mal ziehen wird.
The Soldier tells us about the military operations taking place in the years 1965-1973 when a group of Russian military operatives carried out the advisory support of North Vietnam as well as covert operations to capture the spoils (the enemy's new war technologies) It is the story of a soldier named Paul who was sent from Moscow military school in Vietnam where he discovers a traitor among his colleagues. However, through a turn of events, he becomes a traitor in the eyes of the commander, and he has to run from his comrades to complete the operation and prove that he is not guilty. Along the way, he joins forces with a North Vietnamese man and an escaped military pilot. The three men make a plan to leave the territory of Vietnam but the road to freedom is full of dangers and surprises. In the end, Paul finds the original traitor and destroys him but he still has to prove his innocence.
The Soldier tells us about the military operations taking place in the years 1965-1973 when a group of Russian military operatives carried out the advisory support of North Vietnam as well as covert operations to capture the spoils (the enemy's new war technologies) It is the story of a soldier named Paul who was sent from Moscow military school in Vietnam where he discovers a traitor among his colleagues. However, through a turn of events, he becomes a traitor in the eyes of the commander, and he has to run from his comrades to complete the operation and prove that he is not guilty. Along the way, he joins forces with a North Vietnamese man and an escaped military pilot. The three men make a plan to leave the territory of Vietnam but the road to freedom is full of dangers and surprises. In the end, Paul finds the original traitor and destroys him but he still has to prove his innocence.