The Sound of War - Wenn Helden Sterben
John IrvinSchauspieler:
Ron Eldard, Zak Orth, Frank Whaley, Dylan Bruno, Devon Gummersall, Dan Futterman, Steven Petrarca, Dwight Yoakam, Martin Donovan, Timothy Olyphant, Jeffrey Donovan, Bobby Cannavale, Frank-Michael Köbe, András Stohl, Matthew Rutson Cooney, Brian HicksNovember 1944: Im Wald von Hurtgen, nahe der belgisch-deutschen Grenze, tobt der Krieg zwischen den Alliierten und der deutschen Armee. Von einem Einsatz an der Front kommt nur Soldat David Manning (Ron Eldard ) zurück. Die letzten Tage haben den Soldaten so geprägt, daß er nie mehr an die Front und nur noch nach Hause will. Doch Captain Pritchett (Martin Donovan) befördert den einfachen Soldaten zum Sergeant. Zusammen mit den neu angekommenen Rekruten soll er wieder zurück an die Front...
In WWII Western Germany, Private David Manning reluctantly leaves behind a mortally wounded fellow soldier and searches for survivors from his platoon, only to learn from commanding officer Captain Pritchett that they have all been killed in action. Despite requesting a discharge on the grounds of mental disability, Manning is promoted to sergeant and assigned to lead a new platoon of young inductees.
In WWII Western Germany, Private David Manning reluctantly leaves behind a mortally wounded fellow soldier and searches for survivors from his platoon, only to learn from commanding officer Captain Pritchett that they have all been killed in action. Despite requesting a discharge on the grounds of mental disability, Manning is promoted to sergeant and assigned to lead a new platoon of young inductees.