The Viral Factor
Dante LamSchauspieler:
Jay Chou, Nicholas Tse, Andy On, Bai Bing, Lin Peng, Liu Kai-Chi, Elaine Jin, Crystal Lee Hing-Hau, Patrick Keung Hiu-Man, Carl Ng, Deep Ng, Sammy Hung, Jared Robinson, Jess Teong, Zhang RanViel Pech für Spezialagent Jon von der "Internationalen Verteidigungskommission". Bei der Überführung eines Wissenschaftlers in ein Geheimversteck outet sich Kollege Sean als kriminelles Mastermind und entschwindet mit einem Horrorvirus, um als Superterrorist die Welt zu erpressen. Jon bleibt mit einer Kugel im Kopf zurück und sucht, weil er glaubt, bald sterben zu müssen, ein letztes Mal seinen entfremdeten Bruder in Kuala Lumpur auf. Der ist zwar im Gegensatz zu Jon ein Gangster, muss aber feststellen, dass Blut dicker als Wasser ist.
Action ist Trumpf, und alles andere, ob Story, (internationale) Kulissen oder Physik hat sich unterzuordnen in diesem effektvollen, Star-gespickten Hongkongthriller vom versierten Genreroutinier Dante Lam ("Beast Stalker"). Erstaunlich daher, wie stimmig und überzeugend auch noch der Film zwischen den Kämpfen und Verfolgungsjagden geraten ist. Ein veritables Familien- und Liebesdrama wohnt darin und rührt den geneigten Zuseher fast so sehr wie das entfesselte Stuntfest.
International Security Affairs agent Jon is on a dangerous mission to escort a criminal scientist to another country. En route, a member of his team turns out to be a traitor and shoots Jon in the head while kidnapping the scientist. When Jon wakes up in the hospital, a doctor tells him that within weeks, the bullet in his brain will cause complete paralysis. Jon returns to Beijing to see his mother, who confesses that Jon has a brother in Malaysia who was raised by his father, a gambler. Jon takes a flight to Malaysia to find his brother, Yeung. On the plane he forms a bond with Dr. Kan, who promises to look into possible treatments for his condition. However, when they arrive, Yeung tries to kidnap the doctor and when Jon intervenes, he's also taken hostage. The two soon realize they're brothers, and decide to work together in order to keep the criminals behind the kidnappings from reinfecting the world of a disease long thought cured.
International Security Affairs agent Jon is on a dangerous mission to escort a criminal scientist to another country. En route, a member of his team turns out to be a traitor and shoots Jon in the head while kidnapping the scientist. When Jon wakes up in the hospital, a doctor tells him that within weeks, the bullet in his brain will cause complete paralysis. Jon returns to Beijing to see his mother, who confesses that Jon has a brother in Malaysia who was raised by his father, a gambler. Jon takes a flight to Malaysia to find his brother, Yeung. On the plane he forms a bond with Dr. Kan, who promises to look into possible treatments for his condition. However, when they arrive, Yeung tries to kidnap the doctor and when Jon intervenes, he's also taken hostage. The two soon realize they're brothers, and decide to work together in order to keep the criminals behind the kidnappings from reinfecting the world of a disease long thought cured.