Tom's geheimer Garten - Als die Uhr 13 schlug
Willard CarrollSchauspieler:
Greta Scacchi, James Wilby, Florence Hoath, Caroline Carver, David Bradley, Noah Huntley, Joan Plowright, Daniel Betts, Penelope Wilton, Nick Robinson, Anthony Way, Nigel Le Vaillant, Arlene Cockburn, Liz Smith, Tom Bowles, Rory JenningsAls sein Bruder an Masern erkrankt, wird der Junge Tom für die Ferien zu seinem Onkel und seiner Tante geschickt. Enttäuscht muss er feststellen, dass zu deren Wohnung kein Garten gehört, in dem er spielen könnte. Doch als mitten in der Nacht die alte Standuhr 13 schlägt und Tom loszieht, um zu sehen was es damit auf sich hat, findet er heraus, dass der Hintereingang des Hauses nun in einen großen Garten führt. Dort trifft er das Mädchen Hatty, die in den folgenden Nächten zu seiner Spielkameradin wird.
Verfilmung des Kinderbuchs von Philippa Pearce, in dem ein Junge einen geheimnisvollen Garten entdeckt.
When Tom Long's brother Peter gets measles, Tom is sent to stay with his Uncle Alan and Aunt Gwen in a flat with no garden and an elderly and reclusive landlady, Mrs Bartholomew, living upstairs. Because he may be infectious he is not allowed out to play, and feels lonely. Without exercise he is less sleepy at night and when he hears the communal grandfather clock strangely strike 13, he investigates and finds the small back yard is now a large sunlit garden. Here he meets another lonely child called Hatty, who seems to be the only one who can see him. They have adventures which he gradually realises are taking place in the 19th century. And each night when Tom visits, Hatty is a different age, chronologically out of sequence.
When Tom Long's brother Peter gets measles, Tom is sent to stay with his Uncle Alan and Aunt Gwen in a flat with no garden and an elderly and reclusive landlady, Mrs Bartholomew, living upstairs. Because he may be infectious he is not allowed out to play, and feels lonely. Without exercise he is less sleepy at night and when he hears the communal grandfather clock strangely strike 13, he investigates and finds the small back yard is now a large sunlit garden. Here he meets another lonely child called Hatty, who seems to be the only one who can see him. They have adventures which he gradually realises are taking place in the 19th century. And each night when Tom visits, Hatty is a different age, chronologically out of sequence.