Verliebt in die Gefahr
John FrankenheimerSchauspieler:
Andrew McCarthy, Valeria Golino, Sharon Stone, John Pankow, Mattia Sbragia, Pietro Bontempo, Giuseppe Zarbo, Francesca Prandi, Maria Carolina SaloméJanuar 1978. Die Roten Brigaden überziehen Italien mit Gewalt, Terror und Mord. Der amerikanische Journalist David Raybourne (Andrew McCarthy) recherchiert vor Ort. Bei Straßenschlachten in Rom lernt David die attraktive, kesse Photographin Alison King (Sharon Stone) kennen. Alison steht bei den Roten Brigaden im Verdacht, eine CIA-Agentin zu sein. Sie und David werden Zielscheiben der Terroristen...
In this thriller, American novelist David Raybourne (Andrew McCarthy) accidentally becomes entangled in the Red Brigade's terrorist plan to kidnap Italian Premier Aldo Moro during a research trip to Rome. As the terrorists attempt to kill David, he and his photojournalist friend (Sharon Stone) must struggle to stay alive.
In this thriller, American novelist David Raybourne (Andrew McCarthy) accidentally becomes entangled in the Red Brigade's terrorist plan to kidnap Italian Premier Aldo Moro during a research trip to Rome. As the terrorists attempt to kill David, he and his photojournalist friend (Sharon Stone) must struggle to stay alive.