Verschollen in Kolumbien
Olivier PéraySchauspieler:
Pascal Demolon, Lola Naymark, Gabriel Garnier, Tatiana Ariza, Thierry Levaret, Nelson Camayo, Juan Pablo Franco, Maia E. Landaburu Fadul, Maria T. Gonzales Lacouture, Vivian Pineda, Ludovic Le Lez, Stéphane Grossi, Santiago Bejarano-Chaux, Jorge L. Castellanos Mora, Mauricio Orozco, Jeremy CampuzanoSeit dem Tod seiner Frau findet Michel (Pascal Demolon) kaum noch Ruhe. Nicht nur, dass ihm der Verlust seiner Liebe zu schaffen macht, auch hat er seit ihrem Ableben nicht mehr von ihrem gemeinsamen Sohn Etienne (Gabriel Garnier) gehört. Dieser befindet sich momentan auf einer Reise quer durch Kolumbien. Als immer mehr Zeit verstreicht er und weiter kein Lebenszeichen von seinem Sohn hört, entschließt sich Michel, sich selbst auf die Suche nach seinem Kind zu machen. Doch in Kolumbien wird er direkt ausgeraubt und muss sich nun fast mittellos durch ein ihm unbekanntes Land schlagen...
Michel is a welder working at a shipyard in Brest. His wife died of cancer over a year ago and their 19-year-old son, Etienne, went to pieces and made off for Bogota. He hasn't been in touch for 6 months and Michel is desperate to find him. He leaves - without much money - arrives to Bogota and is mugged on the first day but manages to strike up a friendship with a Belgian girl who - reluctantly at first - helps him on his quest and eventually becomes a close friend. In an unbelievably short time, and following the flimsiest clues, he finds his son who has tried to find a new family among a white-clad Indian tribe in a near-accessible place. I won't spoil it by telling you any more - but there isn't much more.
Michel is a welder working at a shipyard in Brest. His wife died of cancer over a year ago and their 19-year-old son, Etienne, went to pieces and made off for Bogota. He hasn't been in touch for 6 months and Michel is desperate to find him. He leaves - without much money - arrives to Bogota and is mugged on the first day but manages to strike up a friendship with a Belgian girl who - reluctantly at first - helps him on his quest and eventually becomes a close friend. In an unbelievably short time, and following the flimsiest clues, he finds his son who has tried to find a new family among a white-clad Indian tribe in a near-accessible place. I won't spoil it by telling you any more - but there isn't much more.