Was tun, wenn's brennt?
Gregor SchnitzlerSchauspieler:
Til Schweiger, Martin Feifel, Sebastian Blomberg, Nadja Uhl, Matthias Matschke, Doris Schretzmayer, Klaus Löwitsch, Devid Striesow, Barbara Philipp, Aykut Kayacık, Hubert Mulzer, Oliver Mommsen, This Maag, Johanna von Halem, Sandra Nedeleff, Hanna RudolphNach dreizehn Jahren geht unglücklicherweise in einer Villa eine Bombe in die Luft, die einst von sechs befreundeten Punks und Hausbesetzern gelegt wurde. Diese werden nun von der unliebsamen Vergangenheit eingeholt. Jetzt muss ein damals beim Bombenbau gedrehtes und von der Polizei sichergestelltes Video aus dem Verkehr gezogen werden, bevor man es dort sichtet. Während zwei der Täter immer noch im linken Milieu leben, sind aus den anderen anständige Bürger geworden. So prallen ideelle und gesellschaftliche Fronten aufeinander...
What To Do In Case of Fire? tells the humorous and touching story of six former creative anarchists who lived as house squatters in Berlin during its heyday in the 80s when Berlin was still an island in the middle of the former eastern Germany. At the end of the 80s they went their separate ways with the exception of Tim and Hotte, who have remained true to their ideals and continue to fight the issues they did as a group. In 2000, with Berlin as Germany's new capital, an event happens forcing the group out of existential reason to reunite and, ultimately, come to grips with the reason they separated 12 years ago.
What To Do In Case of Fire? tells the humorous and touching story of six former creative anarchists who lived as house squatters in Berlin during its heyday in the 80s when Berlin was still an island in the middle of the former eastern Germany. At the end of the 80s they went their separate ways with the exception of Tim and Hotte, who have remained true to their ideals and continue to fight the issues they did as a group. In 2000, with Berlin as Germany's new capital, an event happens forcing the group out of existential reason to reunite and, ultimately, come to grips with the reason they separated 12 years ago.