Wax Mask
Sergio StivalettiSchauspieler:
Robert Hossein, Romina Mondello, Riccardo Serventi Longhi, Gabriella Giorgelli, Umberto Balli, Valery Valmond, Gianni Franco, Massimo Vanni, Aldo Massasso, Goffredo Unger, Elena Marchesini, Romano Iannelli, Daniel Auber, Sabrina Pellegrino, Ginevra Casini, Maia AsirideZwölf Jahre nachdem Sonia Zeugin am bestialischen Tod ihrer Eltern wurde, findet sie eine Anstellung als Kostümdesignerin im berüchtigten Wachsfigurenkabinett des Boris Volkoff, dessen Spezialität die erschreckend realistische Darstellung grausigster Verbrechen ist. Zum gleichen Zeitpunkt beginnt der Reporter Andrea über die grausige Mordserie zu recherchieren, die Paris erschüttert. Sonia und Andrea, die sich heftig inneinader verlieben, stoßen schon bald auf eine Spur, die direkt zu Volkoff und in Sonias Vergangenheit führt.
Paris, 1900: a couple are horribly murdered by a masked man with a metal claw who rips their hearts out. The sole survivor and witness to the massacre is a young girl. Twelve years later in Rome a new wax museum is opened, whose main attractions are lifelike recreations of gruesome murder scenes. A young man bets that he will spend the night in the museum but is found dead the morning after. Soon, people start disappearing from the streets of Rome and the wax museum halls begin filling with new figures...
Paris, 1900: a couple are horribly murdered by a masked man with a metal claw who rips their hearts out. The sole survivor and witness to the massacre is a young girl. Twelve years later in Rome a new wax museum is opened, whose main attractions are lifelike recreations of gruesome murder scenes. A young man bets that he will spend the night in the museum but is found dead the morning after. Soon, people start disappearing from the streets of Rome and the wax museum halls begin filling with new figures...