Weekend of Blood
Drew BarnhardtSchauspieler:
Mary LeGault, Christine Haeberman, Kathryn Playa, Allen Andrews, Kelly Devoto, Scott Christian, Kat Szumski, Ryan Franks, John JenkinsonFünf junge Leute, drei Mädels und zwei Jungs, fahren übers Wochenende hinaus aufs Land, um in einer Hütte in den Bergen ein paar fröhliche Tage bei Bier, Funsport und möglichst viel Sex zu verbringen. Was keiner der Ausflügler ahnt: Am Ziel ihrer Reise treibt ein mörderischer Wüstling sein Unwesen. Der spielt seiner Familie zu Hause den Biedermann vor und fährt zuweilen ebenfalls ins Grüne, um Jagd auf Teenager beiderlei Geschlechts zu machen. Die Kids werden der Reihe nach dezimiert, bis die letzte Überlebende den Spieß umdreht.
Big Stevie has a sexual problem. Murder is how he has sex. And Big Stevie knows that there is no better way for a repressed killer to blow off steam than killing a bunch of care-free free-spirited teens. After her friends are all chopped, carved and slashed, sweet young Aggie is left alone to face off against this unreasonable psycho. Now she s got a pervert on her hands. A big one. And Big Stevie s problem could become Aggie s problem real fast.
Big Stevie has a sexual problem. Murder is how he has sex. And Big Stevie knows that there is no better way for a repressed killer to blow off steam than killing a bunch of care-free free-spirited teens. After her friends are all chopped, carved and slashed, sweet young Aggie is left alone to face off against this unreasonable psycho. Now she s got a pervert on her hands. A big one. And Big Stevie s problem could become Aggie s problem real fast.