Weihnachten voller Hoffnung
Neill FearnleySchauspieler:
Billy Ray Cyrus, Gina Holden, Emily Tennant, Matt Ward, Jacob Blair, Liam James, Julian ChristopherSeit er als kleiner Knabe bei einem Rassenkrawall vor der provinziellen texanischen Haustür buchstäblich unter die Räder kam, kann Daniels jüngster Sohn Bobber nicht mehr richtig laufen. Nun macht eine Medizinerin aus San Francisco dem Teenager neue Hoffnung, und der Vater seinerseits findet Gefallen an der attraktiven Ärztin. Bobbers Probleme sind jedoch nicht einfach zu lösen, derweil Daniels fast erwachsene Tochter Sarah durch die fremde Großstadtbraut das Andenken der verstorbenen Mutter in Gefahr wähnt.
Billy Ray Cyrus, Amerikas favorisierter Country-Barde und Glamour-Girl-Papi, betätigt sich auch noch als Vorkämpfer wider den (nicht nur) in seiner Nische virulenten Rassismus, in dem er einen schwarzen Jüngling adoptiert und den farbigen Krämer bei der Kraftprobe mit dem Großrancher unterstützt. Im Mittelpunkt des naiv-unterhaltsamen Familien- und Beziehungsdramas stehen aber Liebe und Wunderheilung, wie sich das für einen modernen amerikanischen Weihnachtsfilm geziemt.
In the story, Daniel's son Bobber needs extensive orthopedic surgery and months of intensive physical therapy to recover from being struck down by an automobile. Rodney Freeman, the young black man who Daniel took into his home and raised as another son, has become a famous writer and offers to fly Daniel and Bobber to San Francisco and to pay for the surgery. Once in San Francisco, Daniel meets and falls for Briony Adair, a physical rehabilitation specialist who will be working toward Bobber's recovery. When therapy progresses slowly, Bobber invites Briony to come home to Canaan to spend Christmas with the Burtons and continue his treatment. Briony is a natural at caring for a thriving family, but Sarah, Daniel's daughter distances herself not wanting to dishonor her late mother's memory, and a disastrous Christmas visit drives Daniel and Briony apart. In the soul searching that follows, Daniel finds the strength to open his heart again and invite love back into his life.
In the story, Daniel's son Bobber needs extensive orthopedic surgery and months of intensive physical therapy to recover from being struck down by an automobile. Rodney Freeman, the young black man who Daniel took into his home and raised as another son, has become a famous writer and offers to fly Daniel and Bobber to San Francisco and to pay for the surgery. Once in San Francisco, Daniel meets and falls for Briony Adair, a physical rehabilitation specialist who will be working toward Bobber's recovery. When therapy progresses slowly, Bobber invites Briony to come home to Canaan to spend Christmas with the Burtons and continue his treatment. Briony is a natural at caring for a thriving family, but Sarah, Daniel's daughter distances herself not wanting to dishonor her late mother's memory, and a disastrous Christmas visit drives Daniel and Briony apart. In the soul searching that follows, Daniel finds the strength to open his heart again and invite love back into his life.