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William WylerSchauspieler:
Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Carroll Baker, Charlton Heston, Burl Ives, Charles Bickford, Alfonso Bedoya, Chuck Connors, Chuck Hayward, Buff Brady, Jim Burk, Dorothy Adams, Chuck Roberson, Bob Morgan, John McKee, Slim TalbotSchiffskapitän James McKay kommt in den Westen, um die Tochter des Ranchers Major Terrill zu heiraten. Der liegt wegen der der Lehrerin Julie gehörenden Wasserstelle, die nicht verkaufen will, in Dauerfehde mit Nachbarn Hannassey. McKay, wegen seiner Abneigung gegen Faustkämpfe und Mutproben Gespött der Braut und von Vorarbeiter Leech, der Pat liebt, kauft Julie die Wasserstelle ab. Als Julie entführt wird, liefern sich die Alten einen Kampf bis in den Tod. Leech bekommt Pat, McKay die Lehrerin.
Gregory Peck stellt im Edel-Western Regeln in Frage.
Retired wealthy sea captain Jim McKay arrives in the vast expanse of the West to marry fiancée Pat Terrill. McKay is a man whose values and approach to life are a mystery to the ranchers and ranch foreman Steve Leech takes an immediate dislike to him. Pat is spoiled, selfish and controlled by her wealthy father, Major Henry Terrill. The Major is involved in a ruthless civil war, over watering rights for cattle, with a rough hewn clan led by Rufus Hannassey. The land in question is owned by Julie Maragon and both Terrill and Hannassey want it.
Retired wealthy sea captain Jim McKay arrives in the vast expanse of the West to marry fiancée Pat Terrill. McKay is a man whose values and approach to life are a mystery to the ranchers and ranch foreman Steve Leech takes an immediate dislike to him. Pat is spoiled, selfish and controlled by her wealthy father, Major Henry Terrill. The Major is involved in a ruthless civil war, over watering rights for cattle, with a rough hewn clan led by Rufus Hannassey. The land in question is owned by Julie Maragon and both Terrill and Hannassey want it.