White Lightnin'
Dominic MurphySchauspieler:
Edward Hogg, Carrie Fisher, Stephanie Astalos-Jones, Kirk Bovill, Stephen Lester, Wallace Merck, Steve Nicolson, Damian Samuels, Clay Steakley, Allison Varnes, Raymond Waring, Muse Watson, Owen CampbellWHITE LIGHTNIN’ erzählt die schockierende Lebensgeschichte von Jesco White, "The Dancing Outlaw", der tief im Herzen West-Virginias in einer brutalen und verkommenen Welt aufwächst. Die Eindrücke von Gewalt und Verfall verschmelzen in seinem jungen Geist zu einer ersten Form von Wahnsinn, die nicht zuletzt durch die mit Alkohol, Klebstoff und Benzin ausgelösten Rauschzustände verstärkt werden. Um Jescos extremen Agressionen beizukommen, bringt ihm sein Vater den "Mountain-Dance" bei, eine wilde, lokale Abart des Steptanzes. Jesco lässt seine Emotionen im Tanz aus sich heraus, begeistert das Publikum und wird zu einer Legende im ganzen Land. Doch sein derangierter Geist findet keine Ruhe und es kommt zur Katastrophe...
Deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, where every man owns a gun and a moonshine still, abides living legend Jesco White, "the dancing outlaw". As a boy Jesco was in and out of reform school and the insane asylum. To keep him out of trouble, his daddy D-Ray taught him the art of mountain dancing, a frenzied version of tap dancing to wild country banjo music. After his father's death, crazy Jesco dons his father's tap shoes and takes his show on the road.
Deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, where every man owns a gun and a moonshine still, abides living legend Jesco White, "the dancing outlaw". As a boy Jesco was in and out of reform school and the insane asylum. To keep him out of trouble, his daddy D-Ray taught him the art of mountain dancing, a frenzied version of tap dancing to wild country banjo music. After his father's death, crazy Jesco dons his father's tap shoes and takes his show on the road.