Wie bringt man seine Frau um?
Richard QuineSchauspieler:
Jack Lemmon, Virna Lisi, Terry-Thomas, Eddie Mayehoff, Claire Trevor, Sidney Blackmer, Max Showalter, Jack Albertson, Mary Wickes, Khigh Dhiegh, Barry Kelley, William Bryant, Edward Faulkner, Lauren Gilbert, Howard Wendell, K.C. TownsendDer erfolgreiche New Yorker Cartoonist Stanley Ford lebt sein Leben mit all dem Komfort, den man sich wünschen kann, inklusive seines getreuen Butlers - aber vor allem ohne Frau! Bei einer Hochzeitsfeier trinkt er ein paar Drinks zuviel. Am nächsten Morgen muss Stanley feststellen, dass er das Mädchen, das aus der Torte sprang, geheiratet hat - und dass sie kein Wort Englisch spricht und ihm fortan nicht mehr von der Seite weicht. Als sie auf seine Scheidungsforderungen nicht reagiert, plant er - zumindest in seinen Comics - das vorzeitige Ableben der neuen Mrs. Ford.
Freche Sexkomödie über einen eisernen Junggesellen, der im Vollrausch ein Mädchen ehelicht, das er zuvor noch nie gesehen hat.
Stanley Ford leads an idyllic bachelor life. He is a nationally syndicated cartoonist whose Bash Brannigan series provides him with a luxury townhouse and a full-time valet, Charles. When he wakes up the morning after the night before - he had attended a friend's stag party - he finds that he is married to the very beautiful woman who popped out of the cake - and who doesn't speak a word of English. Despite his initial protestations, he comes to like married life and even changes his cartoon character from a super spy to a somewhat harried husband.
Stanley Ford leads an idyllic bachelor life. He is a nationally syndicated cartoonist whose Bash Brannigan series provides him with a luxury townhouse and a full-time valet, Charles. When he wakes up the morning after the night before - he had attended a friend's stag party - he finds that he is married to the very beautiful woman who popped out of the cake - and who doesn't speak a word of English. Despite his initial protestations, he comes to like married life and even changes his cartoon character from a super spy to a somewhat harried husband.