Wie Brüder im Wind
Gerardo Olivares, Otmar PenkerSchauspieler:
Tobias Moretti, Jean Reno, Manuel Camacho, Eva KuenDie Südtiroler Alpen in den 1960er-Jahren: Der zwölfjährige Lukas (Manuel Camacho) erlebt vor dem grandiosen Bergpanorama keine glückliche Kindheit: Er und sein Vater (Tobias Moretti) verstehen sich nicht und haben schon lange nicht mehr miteinander gesprochen. Als Lukas einen aus dem Nest gefallenen jungen Adler findet, zieht er ihn heimlich auf, weil der Vater die Adler als Räuber seiner Schafe verfolgt. Der Adler Abel entwickelt sich prächtig – doch es kommt der Tag, an dem Lukas ihm seine Freiheit zurückgeben muss, damit Abel sein selbstbestimmtes Leben beginnen kann. Nach einer Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Vater vermisst der verzweifelte Lukas seinen gefiederten Freund so sehr, dass er sich auf die Suche nach Abel macht …
The way of the eagle is to raise two chicks. The stronger is destined always to throw the weaker from the nest. Man also has his ways, often to hurt those closest to him. Lukas suffers at the hands of a father who has withdrawn since the loss of his wife. Killed whilst rescuing the infant Lukas, the boy now carries the burden of her death. Our eagle’s story begins in the nest. The first-born chick pushes his weaker brother to a certain death on the forest floor. But fate intervenes and the chick is found by Lukas. Naming him Abel, Lukas cares for the creature in secret, finding a love and companionship denied to him at home. But when the day comes to release Abel back into the wild, will Lukas find his own release into a new life?
The way of the eagle is to raise two chicks. The stronger is destined always to throw the weaker from the nest. Man also has his ways, often to hurt those closest to him. Lukas suffers at the hands of a father who has withdrawn since the loss of his wife. Killed whilst rescuing the infant Lukas, the boy now carries the burden of her death. Our eagle’s story begins in the nest. The first-born chick pushes his weaker brother to a certain death on the forest floor. But fate intervenes and the chick is found by Lukas. Naming him Abel, Lukas cares for the creature in secret, finding a love and companionship denied to him at home. But when the day comes to release Abel back into the wild, will Lukas find his own release into a new life?