Wie tollwütige Hunde
Mario ImperoliSchauspieler:
Jean-Pierre Sabagh, Annarita Grapputo, Cesare Barro, Paola SenatoreCommissario Muzi (Jean-Pierre Sabagh) ist einem Trio von Gewaltverbrechern auf der Spur, die scheinbar wahllos morden, rauben und Schrecken verbreiten. Die Ermittlungen führen ihn bald auf die Fährte des jungen Lebemanns Tony Ardenghi (Cesare Barro) und seinen Freunden, gelangweilte Söhne und Töchter aus wohlhabendem und einflussreichem Hause, die in Blutvergießen und Überfällen den ultimativen Kick suchen. Doch schnell muss Muzi feststellen, dass in den Kreisen der Reichen und Schönen die Justiz an ihre Grenzen stößt…
Three vicious, robbing, raping, scumbags lead by Rico, Cesare Barro, and his twisted girlfriend Germana, Annarita Grapputo, stick two fingers up at the law as they evade capture at every turn. Determined cop Tony, Jean Pierre Sabagh, tries as he might to find the masked maniacs even resorting to having his girlfriend and fellow police officer Silvia (Paola Senatore) pose undercover as a lady of the night. The trap pays off, almost. She’s stripped naked and almost knifed before the approaching law alert the troublesome trio who make good their escape...
Three vicious, robbing, raping, scumbags lead by Rico, Cesare Barro, and his twisted girlfriend Germana, Annarita Grapputo, stick two fingers up at the law as they evade capture at every turn. Determined cop Tony, Jean Pierre Sabagh, tries as he might to find the masked maniacs even resorting to having his girlfriend and fellow police officer Silvia (Paola Senatore) pose undercover as a lady of the night. The trap pays off, almost. She’s stripped naked and almost knifed before the approaching law alert the troublesome trio who make good their escape...