Wie verrückt und aus tiefstem Herzen
Anthony MinghellaSchauspieler:
Juliet Stevenson, Alan Rickman, Michael Maloney, Bill Paterson, Christopher Rozycki, David Ryall, Deborah Findlay, Jenny Howe, Carolyn Choa, Keith Bartlett, Stella Maris, Ian Hawkes, Vania Vilers, Arturo Venegas, Richard Syms, Mark LongNina hat jahrelang eine glückliche Beziehung mit Jamie geführt, bis er dann plötzlich gestorben ist. Titus, den sie später kenennlernt, will ihr dabei helfen, über den Schmerz hinwegzukommen, doch es fällt ihr schwer - zumal ihr Jamie eines Tages als Geist erscheint!
Nina is totally heartbroken at the death of her boyfriend Jamie, but is even more unprepared for his return as a ghost. At first it's almost as good as it used to be - hey, even the rats that infested her house have disappeared. But Jamie starts bringing ghostly friends home and behaving more and more oddly.
Nina is totally heartbroken at the death of her boyfriend Jamie, but is even more unprepared for his return as a ghost. At first it's almost as good as it used to be - hey, even the rats that infested her house have disappeared. But Jamie starts bringing ghostly friends home and behaving more and more oddly.