Wind Walkers - Jagd in den Everglades
Russell FriedenbergSchauspieler:
Zane Holtz, Glen Powell, Kiowa Gordon, Castille Landon, Johnny Sequoyah, Heather RaeFlorida: Eine Gruppe von Freunden trifft sich zum jährlichen Jagdausflug in den Sümpfe der Everglades. Bereits in der ersten Nacht geschehen unheimliche Dinge. Ihre Unterkunft ist zerstört und in den Mangrovenwäldern herrscht eine seltsame Stille. Einer altüberlieferten Indianer-Legende nach streifen mysteriöse Wind Walker in den Sümpfen umher, die Menschen ihre Seele rauben wollen. Schnell merken die Männer, dass sie von Jägern zu Gejagten geworden sind.
Horror von der Stange in einer Variation eines Backwoods-Schockers.
A group of friends and family descend into the Everglades swamplands for their annual hunting trip only to discover that they are the ones being hunted. A malevolent entity is tracking them and they begin to realise one of their party may be possessed by something brought home from a tour of duty in the Middle East – a demon of war so horrible and deadly they are unaware of its devilish presence. Or are they facing something even more unspeakable, a legendary Native American curse about to unleash its dreadful legacy of thirsting for colonial revenge by claiming more souls?
A group of friends and family descend into the Everglades swamplands for their annual hunting trip only to discover that they are the ones being hunted. A malevolent entity is tracking them and they begin to realise one of their party may be possessed by something brought home from a tour of duty in the Middle East – a demon of war so horrible and deadly they are unaware of its devilish presence. Or are they facing something even more unspeakable, a legendary Native American curse about to unleash its dreadful legacy of thirsting for colonial revenge by claiming more souls?